Lady Anne Hoo (1425-1484) was the daughter of Sir Thomas Hoo, First Baron Hoo and Hastings of Bedford and Hastings, and the wife of Lord Mayor Of London Geoffrey Boleyn. The Staffords were the premier noble family in the country. Jane had expected to journey to France as an attendant to Princess Mary. Clearly Hastings didn’t feel it appropriate to accuse his monarch of any underhand behaviour and let’s remember this Lord Hastings was the grandson of the man who Richard III had summarily executed. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Daughter of Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of Buckingham, and Catherine Woodville. Charles Brandon, a friend of Henry VIII, "married" a young woman, Anne Browne, in a ceremony that was said to be so vague, he was able to refuse to acknowledge she was his wife following the birth of their daughter. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Starkey also suggests Bess was Thomas Culpepper�s paramour.�. According to Chapuys she “wept and ranted.” She might not have been terribly amused about his infidelity either but kings weren’t noted for their uxoriousness in those days. Catherine was pregnant with her first child. After Anne and Henry's marriage was ruled invalid, Elizabeth, like her older half-sister Mary, was declared a bastard. In 1512 was a member of Katherine of Aragon’s household. She became notorious during the stay of Louis d�Orl�ans, 2nd duc de Longueville at the English court as a prisoner of war. Both Anne Stafford and her sister Elizabeth were ladies-in-waiting which turned out to be Henry’s preferred hunting ground for mistresses. According to Carolly Erickson in Bloody Mary, an Elizabeth Harvey was one of Catherine of Aragon’s women in 1536. Starting his own church, fighting wars, being all kingly. Hastings was a Stafford by birth and her brother was Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham. Around the same time or shortly after �Mistress Parker� Henry took on Mary Boleyn as a mistress – Historian, Susan Abernethy states: �While we don�t know the exact date of the commencement of King Henry�s affair with Mary, it is likely to have begun about 1522. recounts that Bess Hervey/Harvey was in service to Anne Boleyn and on �friendly terms� with Sir Francis Bryan. Yet affairs of state still left time for affairs of the heart. Katherine was victorious and Henry had also won his battles in France but was most likely out shined by his queen which would have bruised his ego. Anne, Lady Hastings (wikimedia commons) She was born Anne Stafford, daughter of that infamous Duke of Buckingham who had supported the usurpation of Richard III and then raised a rebellion against him. hen we think of Henry VIII as a man the image that generally comes to mind is the overweight and smelly man who was filled with rage. This indeed taught him a lesson – to only sleep with women who were already married as not to cause scandal when they became pregnant. Mary participated in a pageant during a celebration for the Spanish ambassador in March of that year and may have caught the eye of King Henry with her dancing. Anne Hastings (née Stafford), Countess of Huntingdon, is a lady-in-waiting to Queen Catherine of Aragon, mistress of King Henry VII, and a royal courtier. Here is a �little insight on Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and the scandal of his sister which caused havoc with the relationship of Edward Stafford and King Henry VIII. �tiennette de la Baume was a Flemish woman who was a maid of honor at the court of Margaret of Austria, Archduchess of Savoy and Regent of the Netherlands, she enjoyed the attentions of King Henry VIII during his visit to Lille in 1513. The duke of Buckingham arrived on the scene and took up his argument with Sir William Compton who is thought to have been acting as an intermediary for the king. Anne was born in about 1471, the youngest child of William Hastings, 1st Baron Hastings, and Catherine Neville.Anne had four brothers, Sir Edward Hastings, 2nd Baron Hastings, Sir William, Sir Richard, and George, and a sister, Elizabeth.She had an older half-sister Cecily Bonville from her mother's first marriage. For Anne Boleyn it made her a queen, for her sister, well, she did not have the fantastic life her sister had but she did find true love and she did outlive all of her siblings. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); A letter was exchanged between two subjects of King Ferdinand II of Aragon that explained what was happening at Tudor court – as you probably recall, this story would be important since Henry�s wife, Katherine was the daughter of King Ferdinand.