If you dream that the shit did not flush out, it means the battle that you are presently facing are too difficult to obey the voice of your prayers and fasting. – BATHING DREAM, If you bath in the dream, you are on the right track. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.”   Wedding gown is generally a symbol of marriage. The person that you are trying to engage in the dream will not allow you to settle down peacefully in your marriage in the reality. Dream Meaning of Bible To see bible in your dream means that you will have to do soul-searching, be between a rock and a hard place, draw a new way or be a side by taking a stand. – BAG DREAM: If you see yourself carrying bag in the dream, it means your belongings are fully secured and protected but if you dream that your bag was stolen or some of the things you put in your bags cannot be found, it is clear that the devil has stolen your blessings. My transgression is sealed up in a bag," i.e. Seeing a sack or a bag in a dream also means a trip, or a young son one takes pride to carryover his shoulders. TREATMENTS: Anywhere you have been arrested spiritually, you are set free today, in Jesus name. TREATMENT: Deal with your foundation. BIBLICAL DREAM DICTIONARY by Evangelist Joshua. Are you a person that always procrastinate, reluctant to take a risk? Fire takes ones back to square in life. If you dribbled the player and you scored either through penalty, free kick, corner, nodding, direct shot etc, this usually mean positive signs. To hold or carry a bible in a dream means one needs to have more confidence in Christ. All rights reserved. If you are a public speaker, minister etc, you will lose your voice in the crowd and people may not enjoy your teachings the moment you had broken and rotten teeth in the dream. The spiritual meaning of this color is also positive and signifies openness and inner peace and sincere emotions that we are willing to share with other people. (2) "Bag" translates also a word ballantion which stands for the more finished leather pouch, or satchel which served as a "purse" (see Christ's words, Luke 10:4 King James Version: "Carry neither purse, nor scrip," and 12:33 King James Version: "Provide yourselves bags which wax not old"). – RAIN DREAM, If you dream that you are beating by the rain, count your blessings and name them one by one. Our content is under copyright law. The Bible says, the soul that sinneth shall die. Corn is a cereal plant that can reach a stature height of up to three meters. – WATCH DREAM, If you dream of watch, it symbolize a warning that time is passing by. Or in the process of killing the lizard, it quickly went into a cracked building, it means you are unable to destroy your enemies. But if you see others winning an award in the dream, That shows that person’s blessings will manifest very soon. Are you in a serious relationship? ( Proverbs 7:20 ) The "bag" which Judas carried was probably a small box or chest. It is good we teach ourselves this fact about eggs in the dream and its biblical meaning. TREATMENT: Mark 13:14, – BOYFRIEND DREAM, If you dream that your Boyfriend was proposing to you when he has not said anything to you in the reality, Hey, dont crucify him yet, if you follow it up with prayers, your prayers may force him to declare his intention of marrying you. We find many tra… This dream could mean that you believe that being patient amidst all that is happening is the best way to get yourself through. Check if you have a particular thing you are pursuing and that thing has not been easy for you. ("Scrip" is Old English, now obsolete.) Marital pollution and contamination. TREATMENT: Every bad odour in my life wash away in Jesus name. TREATMENT: My Father, give me my own child, in Jesus name. If you had sex with a man, it means you will suffer marital blessings and financial progress. Please take your time to pray against every curse of thou shall not excel. TREATMENT: 1 John 1:9. If you just saw a suitcase in … Dribbling a ball in a competition symbolizes, wisdom, strategy and determination to succeed. This dream also means that you are under the authority of enchanter and diviners, and which may destroy all the things God has provided for you. Saved by AloDreams. TREATMENT: Isaiah 53:5. LUST! It also means that you cannot rise again or make progress. Kissing goes with love and lust.This indicates that you are in a romance with the spirit spouse, which can hinder your marriage. (5) Another Hebrew word chariT; Arabic charitat, is used, on the one hand, for a "bag" large enough to hold a talent of silver (see 2 Kings 5:23, "bound two talents of silver in two bags"), and on the other, for a dainty lady's satchel, such as is found in Isaiah 3:22 (wrongly rendered "crisping pins" in the King James Version). But if you dream that you were picking udara or receiving this fruit from a strange person in the dream, means you have received the gift of affliction and unfruitfulness. Sometimes, we use symbols to interpret the entire meaning of the dream. Holding the bible under your arm in a dream … When having difficulty in climbing, it means hinderance to your complete deliverance and restoration. TREATMENT: Josh 1:8, john 1:1, 2 Tim 2:15, Matt 24:3. Bag – Dream Meaning and Symbolism Bags are a form of non-rigid containers used for carrying personal belongings or other items. Depending on the nature of the dream. – HELPING PEOPLE DREAM, if you dream that you are helping people. READ: Psalm 77, Psalm 25:18-19. You need to work hard on the fulfilmment of that gifts in you which can make you wealthy in life. Prayer: I reject any evil spirit or seal placed upon me by ancestral spirit, in the name of Jesus. That symbolize fruitfulness. If you dream that you are in a dark place and light suddenly appear, It shows that God has answered your prayers and that He is support of your plans for that period. it’s a bad sign of mental disturbance and marital problem. Job 14:16,17, "Dost thou not watch over my sin? Perhaps you dream of fighting in a war against your friends, if his or her face is revealed, it is possible that she is against you or demons are using his face against you. This was a "bag" that could be tied with a string: "Behold, every man's bundle of money was in his sack," and with (compare Proverbs 7:20) "He hath taken a bag of money with him" (compare Please call: +2348099828623. In the process of scoring the goals, the keeper catches it, that’s a symbol of failure. – SNAIL DREAM, Means slow progress. When someone is walking on the road, street almost in full nakedness, such a person has been programmed for embarrassment. It mean its time for you to take action, make decision and fulfil your purpose. If you fail to pray and fastagainst it, it could catch up with you in the physical realm. or email to: admin@evangelistjoshua.com. In other words, An award dream leads to progress, promotion and unmerited divine favour. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) ”FAIR USE” in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. – TITHE OR SOWING SEED DREAM, this is a simple stage many people are finding it difficult to do. READ: I Sam 30:8, Ps 37. Please pray  and go on 3 days fasting with Num 23:23, Isaiah 54:17, if you are feeling terrified after the dream. In ancient nations, it was viewed under astrological and mystical vision, considered by sorcerers, physicists and philosophers. READ: Acts 16:25-40, Oba 1:17, Ps 59:1. A situation when your mates are breaking forth in life. To see a bag in a dream signifies a lot of money or a package that will come from an unexpected place. A woman that always see people watching her nakedness in the dream, she stop relaying some private talks to people . Bags date long time into history and the first ones were made of animal skins and later of cotton and other plant fibers. Bible Dictionaries - Easton's Bible Dictionary - Bag, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Bag, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Bag, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, A pocket of a cone-like shape in which Naaman bound two pieces of silver for Gehazi (, Another word (kees) so rendered means a bag for carrying weights (, The word rendered in the Authorized Version "bags," in which the priests bound up the money contributed for the restoration of the temple (, The shepherds "bag" used by David was for the purpose of carrying the lambs unable to walk. But more often than not, pray against any false allegation. Fast and pray for 3 days. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). If you are married, your husband may not like you again. PRAYER: Every weapon of the enemy against me to kill me , die, in Jesus name. https://www.wikihow.com/Interpret-Dreams-from-a-Biblical-Perspective This website can empower you how to pray against enemies for effective deliverance. -AWARD DREAM, An award is an official payment for a price or a compensation offered to someone. It is the joy of every mother or father to have babies. If you see a Dove in the dream, it means Divine Visitation. If you dream that a gun was pointed at you, it means the enemy is trying to destroy you. When this dream comes occasionally, then you need to work out some problems in your marriage. – KISSING DREAM, If you kiss a person in the dream, you are in serious trouble. TREATMENT: Ps 34:7,Ps 91:11, – AIRPORT DREAM, If you dream that you are at the airport about to travel out of the country, it means your desire to leave the country to your preferred country would manifest soon if you pray and work hard. 3. If you dream where you adopt a child in the dream, if you are an expected mother, congratulations, God has decided to use that child to invite and open your womb. In the past, the Biblical meaning of rats in a dream received a direct association with disease. Salem Media Group. If you dream of climbing mountain for example, it means that it may not be possible to reach your goals. Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube. READ:  Luke 10:19, Psalm 144, Eph 6:11-12. This is especially true of music we call sacral. PS 150:1, PS 100:2, – CAR STOLEN DREAM, If you dream that your car was stolen, we all know that a car is an ingredient of prosperity and progress. In some general symbolism to see a bag in a dream can be a representation of secrets, desires and thoughts that are closely held and guarded. And if the dream about bush is constant and the feelings are usually bad after your dream experience, kindly take 3 days fasting and prayers against backwardness. Packing a bag in a dream symbolizes that you are in for a significant change that will alter the course of your life. It is time stand up and destroy every ancestral powers using strange animals to attack people at the edge of their breakthrough. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright © 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Biblical Meaning Of Eggs In A Dream. The dream is telling you that you have some monitoring spirit glued to your destiny to bring you down on your attempt to escape from this bondage. Biblical meaning of wood – Interpretation Wood as a symbol in a dream is something that doesn’t occur too often, if we don’t count objects made out of wood. TREATMENT: Rom 8:28, – TOILET DREAM, If you dream that you poo or shit in the toilet, it is a good dream that encourages you to get rid of all satanic food eaten in the dream. Fast and pray for 1 day with Psalm 21 and Psalm 24. If you are digging out something, it means you should get ready for a  mighty breakthrough. If care is not taken, you may not last in the earth. – LIGHT DREAM, Light is a symbol of direction and revelation. Bibliography Information A woman that often goeth to the market in the dream, the enemy is trying to bring trouble between the man and the woman, TREATMENT: Phil 4:19, – MOTHER -INLAW, if you dream about your IN-LAW especially your mother in-law and vowed that things will be worst in your marriage until you leave, know that the demon is in operation and can use her face also against you, but more often than not, if it is frequent, it means the mother is a witch that you need to avoid for certain reasons. It could be a birthday, naming ceremony, child delivery, marriage, or a big favour from someone or a great connection. PRAYER: I reject the attack of road accident or armed robbery, in Jesus name. Detailed Dream Interpretation. If you sight a lizard on a wall, it means monitoring spirit. If you see lizard in your dream it means that there is an person that is planning to pay you unscheduled visit. Ps 118:17. Isaiah 46:6). The oriental "girdle," though sometimes of crude leather, or woven camel's hair (see GIRDLE), was often of fine material and elegant workmanship, and was either made hollow so to carry money, or when of silk or cloth, worn in folds, when the money was carried in the folds. –ICE CREAM DREAM, Ice Cream is a mixture of milk, cream, sugar, and sometimes other ingredients. You can now  pay your offerings, tithes, sow a seed into this ministry. – ANGEL DREAM, It is the wish of every child of God to encounter the true angel of God in their dream. Treatment: Pray and fast for 3 days with Micah 7:5-8, Jer 30:16-17. The dream about celebration could occur as a result of your next plans of organizing a big occasion for friends and family. It shows you are a fruitful woman or man. The only grace is to renounce and break away. You plan things carefully, even if … Dreaming Of Packing A Bag. Biblical Meaning of Dreams about Babies. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". When a woman is arrested in her marriage, her marriages suffers. Pray against divorce or adultery. If you are a woman, you often lick a man’s organ, watch out for three things: Evil odours, Curses, and serious blockage. As they are sent to make things difficult for you. If you discover that some people surrounded you to celebrate your success, progress and finances, this means you are expanding in God’s blessings and favour. If the dream also affect the man, the strange spirit will make it difficult for a man to save money to marry a woman physically. When you are breastfeeding a baby in the dream, it shows that your virtues as a woman has been stolen from you through this dream.Every time you breastfeed a baby in the dream, the enemy blocks your marriage if you are not married and cause terrible problems in the marriage. www.evangelistjoshuabookstores.com, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. TREATMENT: Every evil rope tying me down, break by fire, in Jesus name. Every of our dream needs a good direction from the code of dream dictionary. If someone gave you watch in your dream, its possible that the Holy Spirit is giving you an extra time to make amendment , live a righteous life. Dreaming about egg is one dream that is trending from members of this ministry that sent their messages to us this week. – DIGGING DREAM, To dig in the dream  positively mean working hard to achieve a purpose/to discover the secret of something/to plant a new seed of life. Thats a monitoring spirit. TREATMENT: I reject sexual pollution of my body, in the name of Jesus. READ: Eph 4:31-32, Matt 11:12. Negative feelings are expelled from our life. if you see yourself sowing seeds, which means you are about to receive 100 folds of the blessings attached to Isaac’s seed. READ: John 10:10, Joel 2:25. Pray and fast for 3 days if the dream is disturbing. – CRYING DREAM, If you cry over the death of someone in the dream, it means there is a bad news coming towards you or the family. TREATMENT: Ex 22:2-3, Isa 49:25-26. For some people dream about biblical meaning of a clock in a dream considered a wind and so sometimes ignored.. Spiritual arrest is the total arrest of your God’s blessings in your life by the devil. On a more serious note,if you see an angel around you in the dream, it means the angel of God is guiding and delivering you from certain spiritual attacks.Do not fear or dismayed, you are under divine insurance. Dreaming of a loved ones who have passed on is not as uncommon as we think. Biblical & Spiritual Meaning of Snakes in Dreams. If the covenant is unbroken, your enemy will be using that strange blood stain to fight and attack your marriage etc. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. If this dream persist, kindly meet a pastor for help or evangelist Joshua. When you wake up feeling upset, it could be that you are wasting your times in life, perhaps with unfriendly friends. Are you always late in taking decision? it is an indication that your blessings is in the hand of the man of God. So I encourage you to get ready. If you dream that a goat is always eating what you kept, it means the goat is used as the household enemy to steal and destroy your wealth, blessings and prosperity. Spiritually, They might indicate strong threats coming from your rivals or enemies, which might make you to lose out your benefit in life. A unique word appears in 1 Samuel 17:40,49 which had to be explained even to Hebrew readers by the gloss, "the shepherd's bag," but which is likewise rendered "wallet" by the American Standard Revised Version. 2. Snail dream can affect a woman’s health, marriage or womb especially when they pick them from the ground. Avoid evil thoughts. It means the devil is trying to use your image to poison your husband with your hands. Fast and pray for 3 days. If you constantly seeing graveyard in the dream, it is a symbol of untimely death, sickness and poverty. But if you were trying to pursue the goat from the reach of your home or belongings, and yet the goat still comes back, it shows that you have unrepentant enemy who is plotting to take away your peace, comfort and satisfactions. Dreaming about bush can bring blessing or limitations to the dreamer depending on the outcome of the theme. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. If you eventually make it to the top, then you are going to receive good news, favour and promotion. ( John 12:6 ; 13:29 ). God is using this dream to pass a message to you that everything you need in life are revealed in His word and not only in pastors mouth. General symptom are, failure, poverty, shame and sickness TREATMENT: Ps 27, Ps 107:14. TREATMENT:Acts 1,2, Matt 28:19, Luke 4:18, Eph 4:11, – EATING DREAM, If you eat in the dream means sickness. General symptoms are, pollution, childlessness, marital delay, blockage of womb and sperm. Unlike other dream interpretation websites or books we extensively research dream symbols by interviewing people about the events occurring in their lives at the time of their dreams. But wood in general, as a material, is something that is used for manufacturing of various objects around us and it can have a strong symbolical meaning. TREATMENT: Ps 144, 1 These 5:17. ( 2 Kings 5:23 ) They were long cone-like bags of the size to hold a precise amount of money, and tied or sealed for that amount, as we stamp the value on a coin. If the dream is constant, then there is a message. Sometimes, it could be a revelation that your relationship with that man would work out. TREATMENT: O God, shower me with your mercy in Jesus name, READ: James 5:18, Lev 26:4,  1 Kings 18:41-45. Photo by Cullan Smith on Unsplash Noticing something going away. It is a lovely dream to have and can pass a message to you that good news is coming. Teeth is the beauty of our mouth. The Bible says no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper. TREATMENT: I receive an award of promotion in Jesus name. – PASTOR DREAM, If you dream that a popular pastor was praying for you to the extent of healing you, it is a good dream. READ: Rev 12:11, Phil 4:6-7, Ps 35. Failure to pray it out, it may seriously affects anyone in the family and guess what? –CELEBRATION DREAM, A celebrating man is a happy person. Reject it. Biblical Meaning of Rats in a Dream . General Symptoms are strong, focus, and ability to stand out in life if adequate prayers and fasting are channeled properly. if you no notice that you were unable to pay for service, means you are being cursed. It is from a word that means "to wag," "to move to and fro"; compare the similar word in Arabic meaning a bag filled with stones hung at the side of the camel to "preserve" equilibrium (Gesenius). Anoint your room with the blood of Jesus. Most people will at some point have a dream about their purse or wallet, and that is because this item is quite significant in terms of what it represents. When a man is arrested in the dream, his dreams becomes useless. And a man that suck a woman’s private part, watch out for three things, demotion, sack, and untimely death. A dream of opening a bag of uncooked rice You might be in an ordeal that requires patience and that is exactly what you are giving. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. 4. Maybe the problem is financial issues or because your wife is simply a stubborn woman. These dreams are also associated with the expulsion of what is leftover and damages us. – GOAT DREAM, Goat means stubbornness and devourer. A seal was sometimes put on the knot, which occasions the figure of speech used in TREATMENT: My Father, let my enemies be frustrated over my life in Jesus name. You can also call for prayer on: Get Evangelist Joshua Latest Book on this website. Children and babies are mentioned repeatedly in the bible … It is a response to poverty lifestyle. If you dream that you are nursing a strange baby, it means there is a spirit child or children causing marital problems in your life. TREATMENT: Barricade yourself with the blood and fire of the Holy Ghost. 3:16 . Every sweet in the physical can constitute a spiritual trap to poison people. -GUN DREAM, Gun is a weapon for battle. But if you dream that you engage with a person that you are planning to settle down with physically, it is a dream telling you that both of you will soon marry. Pray and fast for 3 days between 6am -3pm. For example, if a lizard is chasing you, it means a familiar spirit is attacking you. Try to identify what kind of celebration. If you dream of war, it can indicates fear and loss of control. Please pray very hard. And whenever you encounter this types of dream on the road, street, it shows that you will be prevented from reaching … Climbing a ladder, building etc when people are pursuing you from down, it usually signifies testimony, protection and victory over your enemies. In the process of exchanging gun, one of the bullet hit you, it means satanic manipulation. Then take this prayer. if a man pick snail in the dream, means it affects the man’s productivity and fulfillments of his dreams. If you have car in the real life, try and rededicate that car to God or be a faithful tither or sower. Maybe you are trying to make an effort to get a good job, get a good contract, trying to marry, or trying to form a team or group, the appearance of this dream indicates that God’s plans for your life will surely be fulfilled. Primitive religions knew how to attribute musical art to a deity or worshipped people. A split bag. It means you are preventing or restricting yourself from troubles of life. and God may hold you responsible for their death. It means you have accepted strange baby and this can hinder you from having a child. So what this means is that, when you give birth, the baby will be so stubborn. TREATMENT, 2 Peter 1:21. Because bad odour attracts stagnation, rejection and sorrow. The biblical meaning of this color brings mainly positivity and it is thought that this color was created as a symbol of spirituality and sincerity. TREATMENT: Psalm 92:12, Matthew 7:16-20. Whoever has been mandated to monitor my life, receive the arrows of death, in Jesus name. WHEN you dream of snake whether the snake is in your house or elsewhere, whether crawling or sleeping or lying on …Read On, COMMON DREAM SYMBOLS AND INTERPRETATION/MEANING I am Evangelist Joshua Orekhie, from Lagos, Nigeria, having millions of dream meanings on my mind. He wants you to reject death over your life and family. There is a belief that humans could be released the anger through music, signifies the intrinsic property of music to calm, purify and rejoice. The type of foods you eat determines its other meanings. Similarly, if your wedding gown is stained with anything, it means disappointments and failure at the edge of breakthrough. Deceased Appearing In Dreams. (. TREATMENT: Buy the udara (cherry fruit) and use it to pray and thereafter you eat it. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. Every time this dream appear to you, you need to reject every arrow of untimely death fired against you. That shows that your case or needs is in God’s mind to do. of To see others carrying a bag suggests that you will reach some emotional standing in a relationship. This is because of some foundational and wicked powers that are actually making it hard for you to stay away from your present problems. How can you cook for your husband in the dream and why not physical? It was made of the skin of animals, ordinarily undressed, as most of the other "bags" of ancient times were, and was carried slung across the shoulder. if this dream is frequently,be ready for a divine call. Going to an isolated place for prayers would help the revelation or divine response to come faster (Exodus 3:2). This also mean that you will suffer another round of marital delay and regrets. However, it also means you are into spiritual attack by powers in your village. (1) "Bag" is used for a Hebrew word which means a shepherd's "bag," rendered "wallet" in the Revised Version (British and American). TREATMENT: Mal 3:10-12, – COOKING IN THE KITCHEN DREAM, If you dream cooking for your husband, it is a very bad dream. The shepherds "bag" used by David was for the purpose of carrying the lambs unable to walk. If you are seen fetching firewood in the bush then it means you are going to suffer in the midst of no helper. Biblical dream dictionary is the arrangement and interpretation of dreams from A – Z.  Evangelist Joshua’s biblical dream dictionary  will explain the key dream activities that we often encounter during sleep. If you dream that you are into serious evangelism,it means you are fulfilling the word of God that says go ye into the word. 1915. Since our teeth is used to grind food into simple particle; Anyone that see the completeness and brightness of our teeth, it sends a good signal of good listening. The bag has the same meaning like the bag or every other container of this kind. – ROPE DREAM, Rope could be used to aid your progress. An award dream is a sign of honour and recognition. – PHOTOGRAPH DREAM: If you dream that someone photograph you, it means the enemy is using your picture to trace and monitor you. Seeing yourself in the village bush, this usually implies backwardness and hardship. What the road will be like depends largely on what lay in the travel bag, what color it was, how big or small it was. If you dream of a lizard in your house, it is an indication that one of your neighbors is using power of craft against you. As a man, the moment you releases your sperm, you have present your glory to the marine spirit to keep in their banks. – WAR DREAM, Dreams about war can symbolize battle,  restlessness, attacks. Rain is the symbol of open heaven and restoration. Biblical Meaning Of Carrying A Baby. If you were able to identify the person that shot you in the dream, you have to distant yourself completely from that person. Isaiah 36:12, NIV, ”But the commander replied, “Was it only to your master and you that my master sent …Read On. – NAKEDNESS DREAM, If you dream that you are in nakedness, it shows the spirit of disgrace, and public shame. Eventually, you found yourself celebrating, it means God has done great things in your life. Treatment: Eph 4:32, Heb 10:24, Jer 29;11-14, Phil 4:6-7. Pray for good-spiritual fragrance. “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Football involves team kicking a ball for the purpose of scoring. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. TREATMENT: Divorce any kind of evil marriage properties claiming your destiny. – VILLAGE DREAM, if you often see yourself in the village, it means you have been programmed to suffer, move backward instead of forward, to remain stagnant in life, marriage and finance.