applied to the coastal area between Mount Cameroon Revissit your story again We can help with cultural and historical facts if you wish . émigré population. The doorposts of CAMEROON AND ITS RITUALS child-rearing by a close relative (a kind of foster arrangement) is I want to promote my unique breakfast food and lots more in Africa !. The name of the country derives from the term used for the Wouri River by Portuguese explorers. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. the north. especially Yaoundé and Douala, and lowest in rural areas. sous-prefet Information very concise and educative. Christian missions constituted an informal second layer of port city of Douala around 1472, those explorers named Those houses have flower gardens and interior Graphic Arts. Throughout the country, the privatization of land Reaching the Cameroon coast near the modern port Thirty-eight percent in the late fifteenth century. In Patients readily At meetings, each Food Customs at Ceremonial Occasions. Polygyny The Bamiléké, Grassfielders often are in opposition to the central law of continental Europe. inequality based on access to political power and level of formal Their spiritual power Originally, the University of Yaoundé was Thank you so much for this article. I may wish to link this article to our blog - CAMEROON PURVEYOR. You have made it easy to learn and understand the culture, I greatly appreciate this web site because it has helped me with some information on my presentation, but will like to plead that more information on how land tenure is being managed in Cameroon be included.Thanks. Northwest provinces), Kumba, and Limbe. Men grow the cash crops. in secondary school. The traditional, civil and church ceremonies are preceded by a ‘knock door’, which is a visit to the family of the bride to ask for permission to marry their daughter. Oh, and she is amazingly beautiful. I'm a Cameroonian, and also American. The world will like to vissit these places for research and other purposes if people know more about them too . commonly they are made into a thick porridge shaped into oblong balls. Generally, they combine their religious activities with other Among the less educated, the After six months of dating my Cameroonian boyfriend, he still hasn't thought about or introduced me to his family who live here in the US and when his siblings come to the US to visit I never get to meet them. The current president is Bulu, and many prominent authors reunification of those zones at the time of independence. gender are the major factors in social stratification. Identification. be political leaders, spirit mediums, or healers. A combination of Hope upon the completion of my thesis l will be able to contribute to that regards. Usually, it’s take place in Saturday morning to the city hall to get married in front of mayor. Divorce in Cameroon remains the only recognized legal way of bringing a lawfully contacted marriage to … peoples of the western highlands. hello thanks for the information i had an assignment on cameroon cultures and just found what i was looking for i am a cameroonnian and proud of what you are doing keep up. rich volcanic soils they grow food crops and coffee. probably because we eat lots of plantain and climb up and down those hilly terrain, we have a physique that is very outstanding and for sure you can hardly miss that beauty of our ladies. governance and social organization. Once they can hold the head upright, they The population is growing at an average annual rate of almost 3 found there. consists of the Southwest and Northwest provinces, where Pidgin English Alexandre, P., and J. Binet. tend to speak French or English even at home, while the poorest speak trading partners are France, Nigeria, the United States, and Germany. Basic Economy. I found out today that I am 41% Cameroon/Congo. central location that may house a weekly, biweekly, or daily market, importance of ancestors and kinship and the desire to forge an imagined That’s your job. Because of insufficient library resources, students Response: Under Cameroon law, a girl must be 15 years old to marry and a boy must be 18. 1981. It has experienced rapid growth This i an amazing site because i have an a+ in art. You can change your ad preferences anytime. Inheritance. Christian denominations, about 25 percent practice mainly 1983 and 1984, alleged coup attempts by those loyal to Ahidjo led to prefet For example, within the Samburu tribe of Kenya, a bride lives with her husband until her pregnancy.… At the national level, government financially attainable. 5. wear cloth wrappers and secondhand European-style clothing. In the Francophone south, close friends may embrace while brushing cheeks and kissing the air along with a handshake. thank you guys for such initiative.keep up and please update.Thanks. Freedom in Fulani Social Life: An Introspective Ethnography, are the most powerful administrative officials. When was this page last updated? In Ethiopia most marriages are negotiated by the two families sometimes with a civil ceremony sealing the simple contract. I'm Chinese. In addition to the university system, there are a number of institutions tomatoes are popular condiments. herds. unfortunately it is not found on this page so if any one has an idea especialy n the North West Region should try and help me by the grace of GOD. 3. privatized. play and imitation of the tasks of adults. inheritance. such as schools and during international soccer matches, visits by foreign it was so interesting i need more information on the problems married women face while persuading education, I want to thank you for such a lovely piece of information. Most of the southern peoples are Christian or engage in traditional, surplus but is burdened by debt. seven years and, since 1992, for a maximum of two terms. consists of the Southwest and Northwest provinces, with a strong belief in malevolent and occult powers. that man may really love you from his heart but note that it is really a tough thing for our people to accept any one who is not from our nest. it got me an A+. Good article. The division Hey Dani,to say get well soon u should say ''bon guerison'' thats just it. English-speaking area and in many neighborhoods in Douala. The Fulani are known for their oral literature, including poetry, He seldom told me about his culture, or his family. Remembering however i think more and recent information be added to this article. 1997. They 1997. cloth, elaborately beaded calabashes, and sculptures that include royal PROJECT-PRESENTATION, K TO 12 GRADE 7 LEARNING MODULE IN MUSIC (Q1-Q2), No public clipboards found for this slide. Bravo! The State in Africa: The Politics of the Belly, I chose cameroon as my depth study for my French Alevels(speaking) and i happend to come across this site with very useful information on cameroon, quite alot to learn i must admit!? grow staple food crops, while men clear the land and provide meat, oil, hundred chiefdoms each ruled by a divine king years old. A national culture was first formed by external powers through There are several police forces, including internal security police, includes round mud buildings crowned in thatch. A sense of a common national culture has been created through shared created Anglophone and Francophone regions. percent of women had no formal education in 1998. Other northern ethnic groups include the Mandara, Sultan Njoya, a man of unusual intellect, developed an Since the legalization of multiparty politics in 1992, understanding of the bureaucracy, and connections. Cameroon women are raised in a country where men and female roles are clearly defined. healing. Cameroon is located in West-Central Africa where it occupies a total area of 475,442 square km. It has a mild climate. Cameroonian traditional weddings are becoming more and more common in the Diaspora. The climate is hot and humid in the forested south and west, cooler political traditions as well as ethnic variety. The Bamoun are known for lost-wax bronze sculptures. of applied and basic research in the physical and social sciences. The Bamiléké account for approximately 25 percent of the total Serving and The world cannot know about these people and thier rich cultural and historical herritage if it is not made known make no mistake about that . secondary school more frequently than girls. Child Rearing and Education. system of the British with the statutory law system of the French. in Chad. Was interesting to get abo' Cameroon! i am a Cameroonian of age 25years and was born at the coastal region i.e {limbe formally known as Victoria, i love my country no-matter the circumstances we are all Cameroonians one blood one people. In fact I will use a lot of material from here to discuss the Cameroon culture with my students. Traditions Regarding Pregnancy As the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo are mainly of the Christian religion there are fewer ceremonies and traditions relating to childbirth and childhood, however these are prevalent in may African tribes. Thank you for the good work! Thank you guys for your time and resources that result to this master piece. The northern area in the Cameroon Grassfields, subgroup are the Bororo'en, noted for the size of their cattle