You must also have an eagle eye on the fish stomach. Archived. Can I give betta food to guppies? Guppies are omnivores, so you need to feed them a balanced diet with vegetables as well. yes you can feed them crunched up betta pellets until tomorrow i dont see why that is so wrong. Because guppies are omnivores. If you think your betta isn’t getting enough food then you have a couple of choices. tropical fish flakes would work best for guppies cause they are tropical fish which are livebearers ( well some of them.) Posted by 3 years ago. Guppies are Omnivores. Freeze-dried foods are a great option for your fish. While betta food will give your guppies some nutrition, it’s made with carnivores in mind. Guppies are Fussy Eater, which means they can not control themselves when they see food. This helps Bettas to get all their required minerals and vitamins. Guppies can eat and survive on betta food but try not to make it a habit to feed them with a betta diet. Guppies are omnivorous; they can eat meat as well as plant food. So you want to feed the guppy first to avoid any tension. Despite of store-bought food, you can feed your guppies with freeze-dried food, live foods, and even vegetables. API Betta Fish Pellets are designed to float at the surface. So you can keep them together and observe. Close. You can expect your guppies to live for up to 5 years in some circumstances, however, anywhere between 2-5 is normal. Betta food is formulated for carnivores, it has a lot of protein in it. That's why it's quite common to find yourself in a s During feeding time platies can become more aggressive and will eat all the food if they can. Jun 24, 2020 - Guppies have an extensive diet range, and when it comes to food, they tend not to be choosy. They seem to like the pellets more. There are lots of betta foods that happen to be guppy foods too. Platies can swim faster than bettas so when you’re feeding them you have to make sure that your betta is getting enough food. Can guppies eat betta food? And tropical fish food has 47.0% protein and betta food has higher fat 10.0%. However, betta fish are carnivores, and their food is primarily composed of meat-based ingredients. What Other Foods Can Guppies Eat? Betta fish food will be enjoyed by your neon tetras because they are the perfect size pellets and provide a favorable flavor, but these fish can not survive on just that type of food alone. Guppies can eat betta food, however, this shouldn’t be the main part of their diet, and instead should only be given to them as a treat, just like live food. I have had luck keeping a docile Betta with Guppies before. Unfortunately, these meat products are not going to give them everything they need for optimal nutrition. * First as lots of plants to your tank, so that there's a lot of hiding places available. Betta fish are carnivores and need a lot of protein to remain healthy, which is only partly present in goldfish food. It’s a good idea to feed your guppies first. But due to lack of proteins and proper nutrients, they will become sick and die earlier. There is a trend in the industry to make special products just for betta, but look at the ingredient list, it's 99% the same. You can feed other things to guppies apart from flakes. They can eat the betta fish meat products, and they will. You can offer them foods that they eat in their natural habitats, such as bloodworms, daphnia, or brine shrimp. For a 1.5″ betta, feed 5-10 pellets of Betta Bio Gold in the morning and 5-10 pellets at night. Betta can survive on a plant root diet. Betta food has a higher protein 48.0% and has brine shrimp in it. You can feed them that for now, but it should not be a staple diet. The guppies will still steal the food, which can lead to a … Actually, guppies can snatch bettas food from them. While this will satisfy the protein needs of a guppy, it is not wholesome food. But you should include meat in Betta’s diet. Veggies, live and freeze dried food is one more option. If you’re a betta owner, then you already know there’s a lot of debate about what type of food your betta fish can eat. Since guppies are omnivorous fish, there is no harm in occasionally feeding them betta food. I've seen some freeze-dried food at the store, but they come in HUMONGOUS containers, and I've read that feeding your fish with small cans and all is better because the food won't expire and all. Can I feed my guppies Betta food? However, giving only betta food won’t be healthy for your guppies in the long run. Many fishkeepers have succeeded in keeping a betta fish with guppies in a community tank. Bettas and guppies tend to have a similar feeding schedule so this can cause conflict. So I want to add a little variety in my fish's diet, since they seem to be getting bored with flake food. Individual Bettas have individual personalities so he may or may not get along with your Guppies. Guppies can eat betta food. Guppies are omnivores, they can eat anything you offer them. Below is a listing of freeze dried out food that you can feed your guppy: Salt water Shrimp; Bloodworms; Daphnia; The risk for feeding online food is that your guppy might catch conditions. They have many of the same benefits of live food, but are much more convenient and carry no risk of transmitting diseases. If you’re able to give your neon tetras a source of other nutrients, then you should be perfectly fine feeding them betta fish food. This will come down to your Betta's personality. To prevent any major fight, you should feed your guppy first. In such cases, you can lure Betta to one side because Bettas can recognize their guardians. They will also eat betta food. They may begin to have nutritional issues if fed just that Betta food, so it would be best to get them a livebearer flake or vegetable-based flake in addition to that, and feed that part of the time. Can Guppy fry eat betta food? Guppies are omnivores with an especially high need for plant matter, so their nutritional needs won't be met well with the Betta's formula long term. Guppies will eat around three times a day. Pellets, flakes, live food, frozen food, human food… It is a topic that many betta owners love to discuss. If they are looking like full or puffy. They can eat food whenever you feed. You can feed them to your tetras or guppies as a staple food (instead of flake foods), though they do cost a bit more. It is highly likely that the Guppies will eat the food that you intend to feed the Betta. Fish flakes are also a good choice. Guppies, however, are omnivores that need a larger vegetable component than most other freshwater fish. Feed them vegetable pallets which your betta will not bother to go after. Live foods are highly nutritious for guppies. Can I give betta food to guppies? I have some quite expensive betta food left over but no betta to feed it to :( I think I will get 5 or so guppies soon - would it be ok to use some of the betta pellets to feed the guppies occasionally? its all the same but it has different names and food brands so its ok. or they can wait it out to let their digestive system to clear out for a day. 2. They will swim towards you in excitement. Just answering the question, yes in SOME cases they can. But you should give them only some pinches of food which they can finish in 2 minutes. We explain here why brine shrimp are great for guppies! Betta food is also eaten by them. While your betta will eat two times. You will need a large tank, preferably over 55 gallons with a good sized footprint. Yes, they are a breed who just loves to eat!