Men’s Divorce Lawyer, Cordell & Cordell Many divorced dads are fed up paying child support for a child who refuses to see them. For the most part, fathers with child support … It generally involves a monthly payment that is either court ordered or in line with a written agreement between the parents. Fathers who pay child support provide money for the care, support and education of their children. Which means there’s a sizable fraternity of single dads who are paying court-ordered child support and co-parenting with someone they don’t live with anymore. The UK’s leading Fathers’ Rights Advocates. The change to garnishment is a big deal for this reason, too. Sometimes the court can order that child support last longer. It’s hard dealing with a child who does not want anything to do with you. The divorce rate in the United States may have dropped over the past few years, but it still hovers around 45 percent. By Rachel Brucks. Fathers Paying Child Support often face financial hurdles, and some even do it without being able to see their son or daughters for years. The following is an excerpt from: Still a Dad. The fathers' rights movement is a movement whose members are primarily interested in issues related to family law, including child custody and child support, that affect fathers and their children. Fathers rights in child support . The child support amount a non-custodial parent is required to pay in California is based on child support guidelines, which can be computed by using the Dissomaster program. You can usually pay child support to the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) office of DSS. This usually happens if the kid wants to finish his or her education or is handicapped. “Without F4J I might never have seen my son again.” Ben A, Dad, Manchester . There is no doubt that every father should be responsible for their children, and this is also true for non-custodial fathers. This website and Fathers for Equal Rights in no manner advocates non-payment of child support or condones those who ignore or evade his or her obligation. Child maintenance is calculated by applying the following rates to the paying parent's gross weekly income: basic rate - income between £200 and £3000 reduced rate - … Some dads wonder if it’s possible to terminate their parental rights to the child in order to stop the payment of child support.. When the first stimulus checks were garnished to pay past-due child support, sometimes clerical … Depending on the state where he lives, a father must pay 15 percent to 20 percent of his pretax income (20 percent to 25 percent, or more, after-tax) as child support for one child. Both parents must support the child, usually till the age of 18. Therefore, using the same computer program that the California judges use, we can determine if your child support can be reduced.