For optimal quality of life, it is best to recreate the conditions that Fire Eels have in the wild. Because the Fire Eel grows to be so large, you will need an 80-gallon tank at a minimum, or about 350 liters. Juveniles can be also put into ornamental tanks with bottom substrate layer that doesn’t exceed 3 cm. The fish has big eyes. All Eels belong to the order Anguilliformes which is made up of 20 different families. The dorsal and anal fins are long and narrow and located near the end of the caudal fin. Fire Eels are quite aggressive and should not be kept in a tank together. In the aquarium it is best to feed them bloodworms, tubifex worms and chopped fish or mussel as a juvenile. Well, the water itself needs to be clean, but Fire Eels hang out in the mud when they are in their natural habitat. Within these families there are over 800 freshwater and marine species. This bottom-dwelling fish is mainly encountered in slow muddy rivers and lakes, since one of its favorite activities is to bury itself in the riverbed. Since the fish demonstrates aggression towards its kind, you should keep it alone in a tank but it may have a company of some active and peaceful tank fishes. In addition to large driftwood and rocks, you could turn a flower pot on its side; your Fire Eel will happily seek refuge inside. In their natural habitat, however, Fire Eels grow to 3.3 feet (about 1 meter) and live twice as long – about 20 years! We will cover everything you need to know before adding a Fire Eel into your aquarium community, from natural habitat and history to appearance and behavior to optimal conditions to diet and habitat requirements. Mastacembelus erythrotaenia appearance is like the one of eel. Welcome to Fishkeeping World. Member. The beautiful Fire eel Mastacembelus erythrotaenia is a relatively large species of spiny eel. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',115,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',115,'0','1'])); Fire Eels need constant water flow that is well oxygenated. Mastacembelus erythrotaenia dwells in waters of Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Pakistan, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries of South-East Asia. Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. If you have the inclination of attempting the daunting task of breeding Fire Eels, you should know that we do not recommend breeding in captivity. The Fire Eel is not a true eel, but a freshwater fish that is called an eel due to its appearance. Fishkeeping world was created by a school of fish fanatics. Feed frozen, live, pelleted or freeze dried food. Although it is not a true eel, it shares the snake-ish appearance of eels and is one of the larger aquarium inhabitants. The feeding behavior of Fire Eels is peculiar: it has a growth on the end of its nose that it uses to canvas the bottom of the tank for food. Local fishermen would tell the hobbyist to handle Fire Eels with care since their sharp spines emit a toxic slime that you do not want to experience. 7 Fire Eel The fire eel is one of the largest of all the spiny eels, easily reaching more than three feet in the wild. Putting them together will endanger the Fire Eels and create a stressful aquarium environment that will be detrimental to all the aquarium inhabitants.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',117,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',117,'0','1'])); See Related Article: Vallisneria Spiralis (Eelweed). Ich is short for Ichthyophthirius, also known as "white spot disease". Polypterus ansorgii -tank -raised regular. Although it is not a true eel, it shares the snake-ish appearance of eels and is one of the larger aquarium inhabitants. They also crave that connection with their owner and like to be hand-fed. Bogwood, rock caves and PVC piping are all suitable for this purpose. As a rule the fish is timid and it ignores its tank mates, if it can’t eat them; they will eat small fishes though. Fire eel shows aggression towards its king and that’s why it’s not recommended to keep a couple in one tank. Is Fire Eel your favorite big fish? Sand should be used as substrate as the spiny eels often like to bury themselves. Ensuring at least 2 inches of fine sand will give them sufficient space to dig in the sand. One important thing to recognize about Fire Eels is that there is quite a difference between Fire Eels that live in the wild and those that live in home aquariums. Optimal tank water parameters are the following: temperature 24-28 °C (75-82°F), pH 6.8-7.5, water hardness should be not more than 15°. Usually such fish is kept together with large cichlid fishes, such as oscar fish, green terror, angelfish or arowana and bichir. Fire Eels grow quickly, so don’t expect to be able to start out with a smaller tank and then upgrade–they need the space immediately. There are a couple of theories about why the Fire Eel does not get to be as large in captivity. Fire eel is a very challenging species to breed in captivity, so it is quite a troublesome thing to do. They are elongated tropical freshwater fish that have numerous spines preceding the dorsal fin. family. A 4-foot long Moray Eel has been rescued after a fire at a St. Catharines home. Provide sufficient nutrition: big fish need lots of food. Red fire eel has no abdominal fins. , are freshwater fish native to the river beds of Southeast Asia. Datnoid Care Guide: Lifespan, Tank Mates, Diet, Breeding and Tank Requirements. To ensure optimal conditions for your Fire Eel, perform regular water changes, and make sure you have a strong filter because Fire Eels like water that is very clean. But still it is better to be careful with this fish and not to touch it. CaptainAquatics. Locals in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Vietnam enjoy feasting on Fire Eels. The Ultimate Care Guide to Hatchetfish. Fire eel (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia) resembles a true eel, that’s why the fish got its name. One is that it is difficult to recreate the water conditions that the eels have in their natural habitat; the other is that even with a very large home aquarium, there is not enough room for that kind of growth. Maximum Size: In aquariums, this Eel often grows to be about 24" long , but they live many years and continue to grow slowly for their entire lives. As we mentioned in the previous section, Fire Eels enjoy digging and burrowing, so go easy on rooted aquatic plants like Dwarf Sagittaria, or they will uproot it all and destroy your substrate. So, if a fire eel has bitten you, hurry up and apply some antiseptic to the wound. If you have the inclination of attempting the daunting task of breeding Fire Eels, you should know that we do not recommend breeding in captivity. Adult Fire Eels are likely to eat their own eggs, so if you are attempting to breed, you should remove the parents immediately after egg-laying. Sergey is a founder and author of Don’t bother with … Fire Eel (Mastacembelus erythrotaenia) Mastacembelus erythrotaenia - Fire Eel This listing is for one Fire Eel, size is about 6-10 inches roughly. (We think you’ll crave that connection with your Fire Eel, too!). eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_11',152,'0','0'])); Fire Eel are huge specimens, so you’ll need a larger-than-normal tank to accommodate them, but they do bring a distinct vibe to your aquarium, so if you have the room to house one, you might find it worth the space invested. You can feed Fire Eels live food, such as bloodworms, small fish, and tubifex; they will also be happy with dry and frozen food. Fire Eels are nocturnal creatures and prefer to hide during the day, so they will appreciate lots of hiding places–aquarists should note that the regular decorations, rocks, and small aquatic plants will not suffice for these 20-inch eels. His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River),  with Echinodorus and Angelfish. chasewied said: This is a renown tank and commercial fish. The color intensity of the spots varies depending of the age and tank conditions. Make sure they have space to dig and burrow. Metabolic byproducts as well as food leftovers have to be removed as fast as possible. Eels, fish guide for Zig Zag Eel, Mastacembelus armatus, Spiny Eel facts, Zig Zag Eel Info, description, size, and pictures, Zig Zag Eel care, feeding and habitat for keeping aquarium eels, Tire Track Eel, White-Spotted Spiny Eel, Marbled Spiny Eel, Leopard spiny Eel, Giant Mottled Eel Second, you will need a lot of space for both the regular tank and the breeding tank. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. You should make sure that there are no cracks in the tank, otherwise fire eel will easily ‘escape’ from the tank through the tiniest slit. Fire Eels will not bother larger fish in the tank but will eat fish that are smaller than they are. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-4','ezslot_6',111,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-box-4','ezslot_7',111,'0','1'])); You will need large pieces of driftwood, larger rocks, or maybe some PVC pipe to give these guys appropriate hiding space. This fish is a nocturnal one. As a precaution you should disinfect the water with methylene blue (1-3 mg/l), antibiotics (up to 10 mg/l). Unlike the male the female one has paler coloring and she is larger than the male. A close-fitting hood is required as the eel can find its way through the smallest of gaps. You should use some special hormonal injections, but even after this it doesn’t guarantee that you achieve the anticipated results. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood. It’s truly an unforgettable look.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',154,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',154,'0','1'])); If you happen to be enjoying a view of your tank during the day and see a long nose and huge eyes sticking out of the substrate, that’s just your Fire Eel doing some daytime burrowing. A close-fitting hood is required as t… Although it has declined locally (especially in Thailand) because of this trade and overfishing for food, it remains common overall.. Stick to Guppy Grass or other floating aquatic plants. Jan 23, 2020. chasewied. Spines themselves are not poisoned, but the slime they produce is toxic. Brine shrimp can be used as its first food. If you can recreate some mud-like conditions in your tank, Fire Eels will be content. EXPLORE. Your email address will not be published. During breeding, the male chases the female until he catches her, at which point he squeezes 700 to 1000 eggs out of her. The breeders should be fed with live food: bloodworm, tubifex, insects larvae. Jan 23, 2020. The lifespan is 10 years and more. Leave a comment about what you love about Fire Eelseval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_24',121,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_25',121,'0','1'])); You May Also Like: Freshwater Aquarium Eel: A-Z Best Types Of Eels, The Complete Guide to Dwarf Sagittaria Care, The Complete Guide to Monte Carlo Plant Care. pH level: the appropriate level of acidity and basicity of the water is with the range of 6.8-7.5. As with other spiny eels, Fire eels are great escape artists, so a tight-fitting tank cover is a necessity. For optimal quality of life, it is best to recreate the conditions that Fire Eels have in the wild. The Fire Eel (Mastacembelus erthrotaenia) is found in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Borneo and Sumatra.. Fire Eels are voracious nocturnal predators that usually inhabit slow to briskly moving rivers with fine sediment bottoms and spend most of their daylight hours buried in the substrate with only their snouts visible. The best care for Fire Eels is not too different than caring for other aquarium fish. Although they look just like an eel in shape and movement, spiny eels are actually a species of freshwater fishes that belong to the same family as Tyretrack eels and Peacock eels . In their natural habitat, however, Fire Eels grow to 3.3 feet (about 1 meter) and live twice as long – about 20 years! Due to this peculiarity fire eel is referred to Mastacembelidae family (source). The fish has well developed air-bladder as well as tail and pectoral fins. Leave a comment about what you love about Fire Eels, Freshwater Aquarium Eel: A-Z Best Types Of Eels, The Complete Guide to Vampire Shrimp Care. When looking for food fire eel feels the bottom with a sensitive fleshy outgrowth on its snout. It’s true that Fire Eels require a significant amount of real estate. Read on to see if the Fire Eel is the right fish for you! The female, on the other hand, has a dull hue and is larger. Copyright © 2021 - Fishkeeping World - All Rights Reserved. Even if they are bred in captivity, they still have the internal wiring for the same kind of environment. Second, you will need a lot of space for both the regular tank and the breeding tank. Some species live in freshwater throughout their lives and return to the oceans to breed, like the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla). In their natural habitat in Southeast Asian rivers, Fire Eels prey on small crabs, insect larvae, snails, and worms. You should use some special hormonal injections, but even after this it doesn’t guarantee that you achieve the anticipated results. The feeding behavior of Fire Eels is peculiar: it has a growth on the end of its nose that it uses to canvas the bottom of the tank for food. As a rule anal, dorsal and pectoral fins have red edges. Consider the other aquatic creatures you already have in your tank as … Water temperature: the natural habitat of the fire eel is located in tropical regions, so therefore the water is warm. Members of this family, also referred to as the Spiny Eel family, are not true eels. An abundance of hiding places should be provided as this species likes to hide away during the day. supports HTML5 video. Is Fire Eel your favorite big fish? At the end of this long nose appendage there are two tubulated nostrils. The fish becomes reproductive at the age of two years old. A Comprehensive Care Guide to Chili Rasbora. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about this species growing overly large in your tank – it usually will have limited growth, only reaching about 30 inches or so. First of all, Fire Eels do not do well when they are together in a tank, so bringing two together for mating will be tumultuous. It is likely that you’ll have to forget about tank plants with roots and replace them with floating ones, because fire eel when burying itself in a sandy bottom doesn’t care about about the place, so it is quite possible that the fish will dig some tank plant roots and damage them. These stripes have either red or orange hues and have spots that vary depending on the age of the eel and the condition of your tank. During the day it hides under snags and stones, buries itself in the tank bottom substrate and all you can see is its eyes and a snout. The temperature for the fire eel to thrive is within 75-82°F. You will need at least very spacious tank with tank mates that are large enough, so the fish won’t treat them as food. Are Fire Eels Suitable for your Aquarium? However, if you’re up to the challenge, they can be a rewarding addition to your community aquarium, and when they come out of hiding at night, they surely stand out in the tank. There are also marine Eels which for some months br… They excrete thick mucus over the entire surface of their body for protection. You can feed young fire eels a steady diet of bloodworms, like Tetra’s BloodWorms freeze-dried fish food. That’s why tanks without any bottom substrate will be a good idea in this respect. For one Fire Eel, you will need a tank that is 80 gallons. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. Again, plentiful hiding places are a must for Fire Eels, and you should avoid rooted plants, opting instead for floating plants that they can not dig up. Their ideal parameters are: Fire Eels require a minimum tank size of at least 80 gallons, about 350 liters. Although Fire Eels are omnivores, they go after meaty sources of protein first. Power aeration, filtration and regular water renew (up to quarter of the total tank volume) is a must when keeping such a fish. Fire Eels are true diggers and burrowers, and in their natural habitat enjoy the slow currents of lakes and rivers, where they happily nest in the mud. Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. Lincoln County Humane Society staff members were called to save the eel after a number of other animals, including a Macaw and other tropical fish, died in the blaze. Although Fire Eels are omnivores, they go after meaty sources of protein first.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,600],'fishkeepingworld_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',118,'0','0'])); Younger Fire Eels do well with invertebrates such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. Tank should be well planted with floating plants also used. When growing juveniles you should turn of the filter to prevent them from getting injured if they get there. Dimmer lighting will encourage the fish to venture from its hiding places more often. Do regular tests to make certain that the water parameters are at the recommended levels so that your Fire Eel can thrive. SPECIAL CARE Eels do not have scales. Dimmer lighting will encourage the fish to venture from its hiding places more often. For one Fire Eel, you will need a tank that is 80 gallons.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',116,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',116,'0','1'])); Although the Fire Eel is a peaceful fish, it is still a predatory creature. Larvae except their yolk bag also have a gular sac (presumably in case of oxygen deficiency in water). If you are looking for a large and unique tank addition, the Fire Eel might be just the fish you are looking for. A few of the most common health problems among Fire eels are parasite attacks, injuries and shock. Sand should be used as substrateas the spiny eels often like to bury themselves. Take great care when netting eels as they have very delicate and scraps can make them even more prone to disease. If you are looking for a large and unique tank addition, the Fire Eel might be just the fish you are looking for. Fish Keeping World is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and any other affiliated sites. Water flow should be fai… The following tank water parameters are optimal for the breeding: temp… Bogwood, rock caves and PVC piping are all suitable for this purpose. Putting them together will endanger the Fire Eels and create a stressful aquarium environment that will be detrimental to all the aquarium inhabitants. Make sure to keep their tank clean by performing regular water changes and using a quality filter. Kuhli / Coolie loach (Pangio kuhlii) By Robert Mollik. However, this fish has nothing in common with eels despite its snake like body and pointed snout. They come out of hiding at night but need places of refuge during the day. In general through the whole spawning period the female lays from 700 to 1000 eggs. As a result of their natural habitat in Southeast Asian lowland rivers, Fire Eels can tolerate myriad water parameters. These guys are going to need even more space to roam – up to 180 gallons or even more! Moreover, there is no point in it, since it is very difficult to obtain the fish eggs. You can expect the Fire Eel in your home tank to grow to about 20 inches (60.8 cm) and live for about 10 years with proper care. The Fire Eel will often dig in the substrate and bury itself; this may uproot plants and rearrange decorations. thanks for the help! Although it has declined locally (especially in Thailand) because of trade and overfishing for food, it remains a common Eel overall. Fire Eel LARGE Mastacembelus erythrotaenia. Freshwater Eels are found throughout the world in tropical, subtropical and temperate climates. To breed this predator fish in captivity you will need a tank (of 400 liters and more capacity) with a ceramic tube in it or a net stretched over the tank bottom. A well-balanced freshwater eel diet consists of: 1. You also want to make sure that your tank has a tight-fitting lid since the Fire Eel is a bit of a Houdini and might very well escape if the lid is loose or absent. Regular water renewal of 25%, power aeration, and water filtrations should be pe… The Tire Track Eel, also known as the Spiny Eel, is a nocturnal predator and a member of the Mastacembelidae. Tank should be well planted with floating plants also used. The Fire Eel should be kept with fish of similar size or larger, and will not tolerate its own kind. Covered with scales, the Fire Eel’s long, snakelike body is dark brown with 4 stripes placed laterally. Do regular tests to make certain that the water parameters are at the recommended levels so that your Fire Eel can thrive. Other things that will lead to a stress-free life for your Fire Eel include: It’s unfortunate that Fire Eels in the home aquarium have a much shorter lifespan than Fire Eels that live in the wild. Fire eel. There are four bright red or orange lateral stripes along the body, very often they consist of spots and small lines. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. Interestingly, Fire Eels have no abdominal fins. The Ultimate Care Guide to Fire Eel. A tight lid should be used for any long, slender fish, as they will often try to escape from the aquarium. To keep one adult species of the fish you will need a tank larger than 350 liters (77 gallons), with 5 cm (2 in) thick sandy bottom and large number of shelters made of snags, flower pots, bunches of coarse leaved and floating tank plants, that will make the bottom a bit shadowed. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a Muddy the waters. $67.48. This omnivorous freshwater fish is native to in Southeast Asia. It’s truly an unforgettable look. Fire Eels are nocturnal creatures and prefer to hide during the day, so they will appreciate lots of hiding places–aquarists should note that the regular decorations, rocks, and small aquatic plants will not suffice for these 20-inch eels. The fish is rather undemanding, but the fact that this is a predator fish and a large one as well imposes restrictions on keeping it in a tank. When being caught the fish tries to escape as fast as possible and it may hurt the one who is holding it with its spines. You can expect the Fire Eel in your home tank to grow to about 20 inches (60.8 cm) and live for about 10 years with proper care. Would the aquarium become overcrowded when they all reach their maturity? That’s in the wild, however, and they will generally stay a little smaller, around 30 inches (76 cm) when kept in captivity. The Tire Track Eel can be found in countries of Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Pakistan, Sumatra and India. Should I just stick with the fire eel and the oscars? In the wild body size may reach 1 m (3.3 ft), when dwelling in a tank it is 0,5 meters (20 in) long. To create powerful aeration and filtration in the tank you should put four sprayers in different tank corners. This is a significantly more satisfying experience than dropping pinches of flakes into a tank. Because Fire eels are typically found in large lowland rivers, they are less demanding with regards to water chemistry compared to some of the more habitat-specific species, such as … However, young fishermen and aquarists don’t share this attitude because of troubles fire eel gave them with its spines on the dorsal fin. Description. To breed this predator fish in captivity you will need a tank (of 400 liters and more capacity) with a ceramic tube in it or a net stretched over the tank bottom. The coloring is dark brown. Give them plenty of places to hide. Do regular tests to make certain that the water parameters are at the recommended levels so that your Fire Eel can thrive.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_18',119,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishkeepingworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_19',119,'0','1'])); Reduce stress on your Fire Eel by providing enough space–this is really key for a healthy fish and maximizes its chances of longevity.