Daniel Interprets the Dream … 33 its legs were iron, and its feet were part iron and part clay. According to the Bible, if you dream of Jesus, you’re probably living your life in the right way. You are feeling limited or restricted in some aspect of your life. Sometimes a statue symbolizes your ideas and thoughts and not necessarily a person. This dream could portend a possible depression. Four of these empires have already risen and fallen in history—a clear fulfillment of Daniel's prophetic interpretation. Seeing a statue in a dream could be a warning for a possible embarrassment ahead. Meaning of Seeing God Statue In Dream The statue of God you see in a dream may represent displacement, untruth, fiction, recklessness, invention, illusion or a … Nebuchadnezzar saw his dream as a message from on high, but he could not read the message, so he called his “magicians … enchanters … sorcerers” and other wise men to help him understand his vision (v. 2). Part of that dream is about our modern … It is a book that gives us the meanings of our dream. The four kingdoms prophesied by the four parts of the great statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream are fairly easy to identify. Daniel and several of his friends were destined to eventually become servants in the court of the king of Babylon, mainly because of their perceived intelligence and potential. Wondering what the future holds? Like Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, he (ie … Yves Langevin. Virgin mary statue dream is an evidence for the value you place on knowledge and education. A female statue means fertility. This person may be purposely trying to mask their particular flaws and should not be trusted. Welcome to The Dream Bible. Himself in history so that one day God will be recognized as all in all. 35 Then the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were shattered and became like chaff on the threshing floor in summer. The value of each metal reduces as the kingdoms advance. Also, it is believed that these dreams can be related to our sexuality. The metals represent monarchies, but the clay stands for democratic rule, the rule by the people. Choose the file type and the file format: PowerPoint. Download story: Dream statue of Nebuchadnezzar These images are the copyright of Jeremy Park of Bible Scenes who has granted FreeBibleimages permission to distribute them using a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream consisting of an image made up of differing metals which Daniel interprets. To dream of wearing a dress represents compliance, willingness, or obedience. Like Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, he (ie Babylon) is the head of gold (Daniel 2:38). For one to dream of a statue, it could mean that he or she has a cold heart. At least one of them was so disturbing that the king called for his advisers to tell him his dream and to interpret it. Admiring. The dream featured a huge, glorious statue of a man. The modern prophetic meaning of the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2 - - - SIGN UP NOW! Soon after Daniel entered into the civil service of King Nebuchadnezzar, the king had puzzling dreams that awakened him from his sleep (Daniel 2:1). Unlike other dream interpretation websites or books we extensively research dream symbols by interviewing people about the events occurring in their lives at the time of their dreams. 2 The king sent for the magicians, psychics, sorcerers, and astrologers so that they could tell him what he had dreamed. This should in no way be a substitute for listening to what the Holy Spirit has to say about your particular dream, but rather it is meant to be a tool to aide you in dream interpretation. Its head was “made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay” (Daniel 2:32-33). Back to Words index: Back to Body words index Hand. Since this is a vision, which is like a dream, it is hard to know how that word should be translated. Illustrations of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a statue and Daniel’s vision of four beasts emerging from the sea. The statue symbolizes the cold, distant side of your nature and character, indifference, and even arrogance, features that you must work on and even reduce. In this dream, the king saw a five–part statue made of five different metals (see Daniel 2). The dream featured a huge, glorious statue of a man. Traveling to a statue within your dream suggests that you might be given the particular less competent side of man's instinct. Each section represented an empire, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon. That is why Nebuchadnezzar demanded to hear both the dream and its meaning (vv. When Nebuchadnezzar demanded that his wise men reveal both his dream and the meaning, Daniel obliged. After the prophet prayed, however, God revealed the dream to him. Enjoying. A statue is a sign of mind disturbances, stiffness, and coldness. Christian Dream Interpretation is quite different from the dream meaning of the psychological people. For one to dream of a statue, it could mean that he or she has a cold heart. Daniel 2 Names of God Bible (NOG) Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream about a Statue Made of Four Metals 2 During the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, he had some dreams. When no Babylonian wise man could help him, Nebuchadnezzar threatened to kill all of his wise men, including Daniel and his friends. You are trying to rid yourself of certain feelings. 3–11). Jul 27, 2015 - The modern prophetic meaning of the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream in Daniel 2 Most Christians who’ve read the Bible or grown up in church have read or been taught about the statue in Daniel Chapter 2. The Next 500 Years: 2017 National Conference, Show Me Your Glory: Understanding the Majestic Splendor of God, Naming Ligonier the Beneficiary of a Bank or Investment Account, Gifts That Provide Income and Tax Benefits. Biblical Dream Dictionary admin 2020-06-03T15:40:27-05:00 This free online Dream Dictionary is an organized listing of symbols sometimes found in spiritual dreams and their most common meanings. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crushed them. Dreaming about building a bridge. Scared. First published in Tabletalk Magazine, an outreach of Ligonier. Apple Keynote. And the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. 32 The head of the statue was pure gold, its chest and arms were silver, its belly and thighs were bronze, 33 its legs were iron, and its feet were part iron and part clay.… Curious. Download story: Nebuchadnezzar's dream and Daniel's vision. Daniel now reveals that the parts of the statue represent kingdoms or empires. " 44–45). As Daniel explained the meaning of the dream, he offered the king counsel: 'break off your sins by being righteous, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor.' It could be about an aspect that is dormant in you. If you are seeing a white or a snow leopard, this can be a depiction of your enemy that is acting as your friend. The appearance of dark powers featured in your dream is normally devastating, meaning that there is going to be foundational drawback to whatever you are doing in life. There are some obstacles and hindrances in your way. 2 During the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, he had some dreams. Babylon was the first kingdom. Dream Dictionary is one guide that aid people how to organise their dreams alphabetically in the dictionary. He comments, “God, I say, so changes empires, and times, and seasons, that we should learn to look up to him.” The sudden rise and fall of powers and even the changes in our own lives prove that the Lord alone is our security. You are feeling limited or restricted in some aspect of your life. Sometimes it can mean that you are a too ambitious person who is ready to hurt other people in order to achieve her goals. Ultimately, the dream and its interpretation is revealed to Daniel in a dream shown to him. Seeing people you know as statues in a dream means a lack of communication with these people and that those relations are inflexible.On a more positive note, it may represent someone you idealize and admire. The marriage might be to either of two between the Seleucids and the Ptolemies, the first in c.250 BCE and the second in 193. If you dreamed about walking along a bridge, such dream might be a sign of the difficulties you have been experiencing trying to keep a promise given to a friend. Celebrating over 10 years online. The dream is true and its interpretation is trustworthy.” 46 Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell prostrate ( BX ) before Daniel and paid him honor and ordered that an offering ( BY ) and incense be presented to him. A big statue suggests that your arrogance will overwhelm people in your circle, and this will make you unbearable and intolerable to some of them. Spin my tarot wheel to find out. Dream interpretation belongs to the Almighty God. Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue (Daniel 2) God often spoke to prophets through dreams, but perhaps none so much as Daniel (Daniel 1:17). The Dream Of A Great Statue "You, O king, were looking and then, there was a single great statue; that statue, which was large and of extraordinary splendor, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was awesome. A free online A to Z dream dictionary dedicated to helping people understand the meaning of their dreams. Christians will view Jesus as a salvation or in a reverent way and will have completely different feelings than a person of another religion or no religion. Daniel continues by identifying the chest of silver as "another kingdom" which will arise. To dream of people you know as statues implies that you are having difficulties conversing with or expressing your thoughts to these people. A statue that is a perfect reproduction of you (for example, Michelangelo's David) in a dream is probably trying to tell you that no human being is best, and no one should be put on a pedestal. Biblical Meaning of the Dreams about Dog. On a more positive note, it may symbolize a person who you hold with high esteem. Afraid. The Biblical Meaning of Numbers from One to Forty by Dr. Stephen E. Jones This book is a companion to The Genesis Book of Psalms, because the psalm number helps to convey the meaning of the number itself. | Dr. Naama Golan 2 The king sent for the magicians, psychics, sorcerers, and astrologers so that they could tell him what he had dreamed. These kingdoms, given in a dream to Nebuchadnezzar, and revealed by Daniel constitute the kingdoms making up the "composite" man. The difficulty is that Nebuchadnezzar's dream placed a great emphasis on the feet, and in particular, the toes of the statue, that were made of iron mixed with clay. 7:24a), along with subsequent developments arising out of the ten horns (Dan. The setting is the Babylonian court shortly after Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream that led to insomnia (Dan. You could assign special qualities to a state of mind that you think is appropriate for you. In this dream, the king saw a five–part statue made of five different metals (see Daniel 2). Exodus 20:4-5 ESV / 272 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Jesus has triumphed and His kingdom is expanding even now. Ancient Babylonians strongly believed in supernatural forces, and looked for omens in the stars, dreams, and even the shapes of animal livers. Statue Of Liberty Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming statue of the liberty, goes about as an image of freedom. The color of the leopard that you will encounter can also change the meaning of your dreams. He was troubled, but he stayed asleep. The meaning of the dream for Daniel and the king should be the same for us. You followed a clear path of action and got the expected results. If a statue moves in your dream, this foretells big wealth ahead. The meaning of his dream, of vital importance to Nebuchadnezzar, is also of great importance to us. When somebody is said to be as “cold like a statue”, they may be emotionally cold or lack sufficient animation. Fix that problem! Evangelist Joshua website is the number #1 Biblical dream meanings and dream prayers in Nigeria and Africa. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a great statue with a gold head, a silver chest and arms, a bronze torso and thighs, iron legs, and feet made out of iron and clay. Happy. Dreaming about walking on a bridge. 7:24b-26). This signifies your disillusionment. So it is telling us that the woman represents what is in the mind and thoughts of the people of America, our point of view. If you have seen a big dog in your dream, it is a sign that you will meet new people and you will start new friendships in the future period. A marble statue portends lots of love from your partner or someone you care for a lot. Dreaming of Jesus is going to mean different things to different people based on their feelings or beliefs about Jesus. Daniel explains the meaning of the statue. For permissions, view our Copyright Policy. Anyone could invent a meaning they could attach to the dream’s symbols, but to give the dream itself without help from the dreamer was a sign of clear inspiration by God. Nebuchadnezzar normally relayed his dreams’ content to these advisors, but he was so alarmed by the dream that he wanted to be absolutely sure of its meaning. The most acclaimed illustrated palm reading guide. 36 This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king. Wearing a dress may also reflect subordination or serving the needs of others. Daniel 2 Names of God Bible (NOG) Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream about a Statue Made of Four Metals. You will not be lonely anymore and many good things are expecting you in the near future. . Christian Standard Bible He was troubled, but he stayed asleep. Daniel is one of those books, as texts such as today’s passage leave no doubt that the Lord alone controls all things. Biblical Dream Dictionary admin 2020-06-03T15:40:27-05:00 This free online Dream Dictionary is an organized listing of symbols sometimes found in spiritual dreams and their most common meanings. Subscribe Now to Watch me when I am next online. Statues in a dream also could mean deafness, idiotic behavior, dumbness, attachment to anything in this world, making an idol out of it, such as one's love and attachment to his position, status, business, wife, beloved, house, or child, etcetera. If the statue is altered or damaged for some reason, then it may mean that your own ethics, ideals, or idealized people do not meet your faultless picture. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Jesus Christ has appeared to many people in their dreams on a number of occasion without knowing the spiritual symbols. Though they were taken against th… 12–24). Statue Of Liberty Dream Interpretation and Meaning: Dreaming statue of the liberty, goes about as an image of freedom. If you see a statue that awakens to life in your dream, this suggests that the dormant aspect will come forth and impress even yourself. 4:3 ratio 16:9 widescreen. Often, these dreams represent fear and worry about the fulfillment of your dreams. Statue . In this lesson, our approach to the king’s dream and its meaning will not focus on what Daniel, the king, or biblical scholars today find perplexing. 2:1). ... What was the interpretation of the vision? King Nebuchadnezzar dream unlocks the rest of prophesies of the Book of Daniel which unlock the Book of Revelation. If the statue in your dream is fallen, this indicates that something prevents you from bringing your endeavor to a good end. View slideshow Download image set Story Planner. The dreams about horses usually symbolize endurance, hard work and ambition. - - - SEE COMPLETE LIST OF ARTICLES ON HOME PAGE The Modern Prophetic Meaning of The Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream From Chapter 2 of the Book of Daniel By Ken Raggio Share | God gave King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon a very important prophetic dream. Nebuchadnezzar had seen an enormous statue. For example, to put forth his hand and take the dove and bring her in to himself, is to apply and attribute to himself the truth meant by the dove. The Statue of Liberty in the dream is a sign for the expansion of personal and cultural connections.