Instead of repressing them, you transform them into strengths. All Rights Reserved |, Strength Meaning - Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings, Seventh Sphere Rider Waite Smith Tarot Deck, Claves Astrologicae: Astrology Oracle Deck, Small Misprint - Arcana Iris Sacra Lenormand Deck, courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, self-confidence, inner power, self-doubt, weakness, low confidence, inadequacy, cowardice, forcefulness, confidence drawing lovers, strong caring relationship, self mastery at work, bold career moves, taking big steps, self esteem issues, insecurity, negativity about love, impostor syndrome, insecurity, fear of making big moves, compulsive spending, hesitancy about spending. She is calm and collected, which is representative for being in control and disciplined especially in times of great adversities.The fact that she is also holding the jaws of a lion also shows that she has courage. Having a gallant spirit, maintaining composure while under pressure, and working with others while forgiving imperfection is all a part of strength. I would advise against doing readings based on keywords alone. Number 7 in the Major Arcana is The Chariot, which is associated with Cancer, and Number 9 is The Hermit, which is associated with Virgo. Likewise, the card represents the triumph of intelligence over muscle. Strength Upright Past: The Strength Tarot Card represents the Fire Element and the planet, Sun.. Keeping in touch with the animal forces within us is one of the fundamental steps in achieving inner peace. If you try to break the rules, you risk losing control. Upright Keywords: Reversed Keywords: courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, self-confidence, inner power: self-doubt, weakness, low confidence, inadequacy, cowardice, forcefulness: Skip to Upright Meaning: Skip to Reversed Meaning Strength is about your inner strength. When the seed sprouts, it can appear almost in any form. The fundamental message of the Strength Tarot card is that everything will be fine, but we must control our lower natures. It can also refer to any place where you feel strong and confident. In a Tarot reading, the Strength Tarot card helps you understand the forces within yourself. You may find yourself in a passionate and fiery romance when you draw the Strength card in a love tarot reading. The Tarot incorporates the symbolism of numbers into the meaning of each card. Alternatively this card can also suggest hesitancy about spending your money on things that can be helpful to you now, even if you may have an abundance of funds. This was the goal of alchemy, which did not try to destroy gross matter, but instead worked towards purifying it and turning it into gold. Learn the basics of the ancient esoteric tradition of tarot by starting your initiation ritual! Strength Tarot Card denotes someone who is prominent among his/her peers. The Wheel of Fortune Upright The Wheel of Fortune Reversed. As we saw in The High Priestess Tarot card, 2 represents polarity and balance. Compassion. It is one of the cards that represent the three cardinal virtues. The people that Strength card indicates are kind and compassionate. The Strength Card Meaning In Any Tarot Reading Or Spread. This is because it signifies virtues such as mind over matter and the ability to overcome adversity. There is no point in hurting the lion, caging him, or killing him. They are confident with strong will power. When Strength appears in the reversed position, it can represent weakness, insecurity, inconstancy, or indifference. © 2021, part of the Hopnetic network. Strength tarot card symbols, further meaning, short history, by author A.E Waite. The Strength card can direct to a place where you build physical strength, like the gym, or the natural habitat of wild animals. The force in the card doesn’t reside on the lion’s brute force but in the strength of wisdom and cunning. You must also stick to the virtues of generosity, faithfulness, and sincerity. The Chariot is about your willpower towards external things, but this card represents your inner strength and knowing that you can overcome anything that the Universe throws at you. You must defend the just cause and help others with their difficulties. Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. One partner may undergo a traumatic event which tests the relationship, requiring supportiveness, communication and honesty for the relationship to survive. UPRIGHT: Good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point REVERSED: Bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles Wheel of Fortune Description. This can mean that you have forgotten all about your passions and the kind of joy, happiness, and fulfillment that came with doing what you love. Trust in your own abilities, and others will trust you as well. Alternatively, Strength’s tarot love meaning is one of compassion, empathy and inner strength; you may find that these qualities are bound to attract the partners that you need, or bring you and your existing partner closer together than ever. If you’re dreaming about starting your own business, push yourself to take those next steps and just start. The number 8 is associated with Infinity. Click the magic button to start your initiation ritual. These are the confidence in reason and the optimism of knowing that we are protected by God. A member of the Major Arcana cards, Strength has a number of different meanings. Tower Tarot Card Description. But if these feelings are not put in check can lead to our eventual destruction. Hidden meaning, clues and constructive directions Make sure that there is a strong sense of trust in your partnership. Ace of Swords is a symbol of ability in the field of intelligence, argument, justice, truth, clarity, and courage. Here, our higher natures have the advantage, but why? The Major Arcana is made up of 22 cards (or trumps). There is no point in suffocating our animal natures when they can be properly channeled and sublimated. When this card appears, it shows that you feel confident in yourself and in control. Be patient Alternatively, it can represent excess, violence, and abuse of power. When you get the Strength card in an upright way in the course of your tarot reading, then it indicates which you have inner strength and fortitude in the course of moments of risk and distress. Sign up to get the link! You seem to be lacking the inner strength that this card normally represents, meaning you might be experiencing fear, and a lack of conviction and confidence in your own abilities. In a Tarot spread, this Ace card is a sign that the seeds of clear understanding have been planted in your life even though you may not have realized it yet. It also includes gaining victory over our lower natures. Explore how tarot can help you slow down and reconnect with your innermost self. It is also associated with harmony and the celestial order. You have to use your wit and energy to understand his nature. It won't hurt, we promise! The lion is also a Solar animal, and the zodiac sign of Leo is ruled by the Sun. Self-Control. Her control of the lion without being too rough shows love and compassion. Resist the urge to run away from a difficult situation.
The Strength card most often represents, you guessed it, strength. It suggests that you have the potential to remain calm and strong even … This card indicates that you must learn to gain confidence in order to re-harness your inner strength. Despite the fact that the lion looks menacing and strong, the woman seems to have dominion over it. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. As a beginner, you will probably receive more accurate guidance by allowing the images of the deck to speak to you intuitively. The intense feelings suggested by this card can indicate both a strong relationship, and also one that can be prone to anger, jealousy or other emotional explosions. Surprisingly, the lion overcomes his fierce nature and licks the palm of his mistress. Empathy may give you greater insight to both yours and your partner’s needs and insecurities. It is similar to the Chariot in that it represents overcoming challenges. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual. The vile in us must not be destroyed, but instead is ennobled through transmutation. Here is where you’ll be able to find your power; this card signals that you likely already have the talent and the skill, you only need to muster your courage to make big moves. When this happens shortcomings such as ferocity, lack of self-discipline, laziness, or insecurity may take over. The Wheel of Fortune card shows a giant wheel, with three figures on the outer edges. The spiritual message the Strength Tarot card, when reversed, is a clear warning. Some of the more common interpretations of this card are courage, control over one's lower nature, compassion, and tolerance. In the earliest decks, Strength was 11 and Justice was 8. The Strength card reversed indicates that you are avoiding an issue. Likewise, patience, tolerance, and understanding must be developed to "domesticate" those aspects that, whether we like it or not, live inside all of us. Being full individuals with your own lives brings more to your partnership; it doesn’t detract from it. In a love tarot reading, when Strength is reversed, the card can signal a bit of codependency in your relationship. The Strength Tarot card plays a very important role in the Major Arcana. The Strength Tarot card symbolizes the inner impulses that move the spirit. They … Strength is associated with Leo. In the past, Strength was termed fortitude, and it’s meaning is quite clear in both illustration and title. A reversed Strength tarot love meaning can also indicate that force and power are becoming more apparent themes in your relationship. The card shows a woman who is taming a lion. If you do not, it will control you. Read on to discover the symbolism of the Strength Tarot card in the Rider-Waite deck and what it means in the upright and reversed positions in terms of love, health, work, and money. The reversed Strength card suggests that you may have everything you need in order to find success, except perhaps a healthy dose of confidence and belief in yourself. It asks you to find the internal confidence to become a stronger and more assertive person. The World Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Moon Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Sun Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Judgement Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Major Arcana Tarot Cards and Astrology, The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Magician Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Tower of Destruction Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, The Temperance Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed, Scorpio Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemistry. Reversed: Anger. Magician Tarot Card Meaning. Upright keywords: Energy, power, courage, success, honor, and gentle strength Reversed keywords: Weakness, anger, and abuse of power, illness. Keywords associated with the Strength Tarot Card. A few support cards for the Death Tarot card. There can be a feeling of financial insecurity, regardless of what your actual situation is. In a bright landscape of apparent solitude, the woman on this card uses nothing more than her hands to keep the lion's jaws open. The Strength Tarot card is the Major Arcana card of inner strength. On the other hand, when the Strength Tarot card appears reversed, it could mean that we are in a period of excess. Justice Upright Justice Reversed. Overthrow of an existing way of life. Understanding that our inner animal isn’t tamed and that it cannot be subjugated by force and repression leads us to accept our own strength to do good and evil. Even when it comes backward or forward, the Tower Tarot is still the card of change. When you get the Strength card in an upright manner during your tarot reading, then it shows that you have inner strength and fortitude during moments of danger and distress. As a result, our lower natures could be in control. The Hanged Man Upright The Hanged Man Reversed. The woman appears to be a self-confident person, who has a bright personality and who knows exactly what to do to manage the wildest creature on earth. The Strength Tarot card symbolizes the inner impulses that move the spirit. When the Strength Tarot card appears in its upright position, it is very encouraging. Your resilience will greatly aid you, and your fearlessness means that you should have no issues speaking your mind. Strength Tarot Card Meanings Strength Description. With all tarot meanings and more, this book is a comprehensive guide on using tarot for introspection, self-understanding and inner growth. If the Strength card appears in the upright position in your spread, it suggests that you have the abilities to be successful, the only thing you need is to master your inner-strength, calmness, and patience. The keywords and correspondences for each of the 78 Tarot Keys in this post can be seen as an extended Little White Book (LWB). Strength tarot card can mean: Upright: Patience through caring. Upright meaning keywords: Overcoming obstacles, success, persistence, strength, control, ambition, intelligent effort, Reverse meaning keywords: Lack of direction or willpower, manipulation, obstacles, being out of control, RELATED: The Right Questions To Ask The Tarot (For An Accurate Card Reading). The Six of Swords reversed can indicate that you have been trying to move on and make the transitions you need. Upright meaning keywords: Power, skill, logic, concentration, willpower, manifestation, psychic powers. Faith moves mountains, and this seems to be part of the hidden message of this card. It shows that you have the ability to remain calm and strong even when your life is going through immense struggle. At work, an upright strength tarot tells you to have the courage to take a stand. The other two cards are Justice and Temperance. If you’re looking to change your entire career, take the plunge and do it. Your resilience will greatly aid you, and your fearlessness means that you should have no issues speaking your mind. In this tarot card, you will see a woman who calmly holds the jaws of a fully grown lion. 11 is 1+1, which is 2. As Leo is between Cancer and Virgo, Strength was moved to the spot between these two cards. Good health, willpower, confronting problems, overcoming difficulties, compassion, courage. Know that you can tolerate; Get the spirit of bravery; Feel nothing can shake your determined mind; Give away the heart without regret; Have tolerance; Steadiness. However, this is not a faith free of cunning, but one that confronts the lion face to face. Should you find yourself in an argument or in heated moments, it may be better for you to treat each other with patience and gentleness, rather than allowing your anger to take control. UPRIGHT: Strength, courage, persuasion, influence, compassion. The appearance of this Strength Tarot Card in the Upright position offers a very straightforward explanation- You dealt well with your past events using Strength, to curb the rise of Evil where required.. Temperence Upright Temperence Reversed. Astrologically, the Strength card is associated with the Sun and the sign of Leo.. Modern Representations. You can immediately sell a house, move to a new home, change jobs, pursue a new career, step into psychotherapy or especially change a relationship. That message is that you must control your lower nature. This card represents the determination to overcome any obstacle and the courage to face all dangers. He can channel his energies to transform them into a positive strength. So long as you continue to exercise control, you should be fine. With this spiritual realization, we are free to enjoy every moment and accept every aspect of our lives. Understanding the meaning of this card is immensely important for anyone who wants to be able to give good readings. Strength Tarot Card Description. The lion is a symbol of courage, passion and desire which are very much part of the human feelings that are necessary for survival. When the Tower card appears in a Tarot reading, expect the unexpected â massive change, upheaval, destruction and chaos. This may stem from some forms of insecurity that make it difficult for you and your partner to be more independent and pursue your own interests. Be vigilant but believe in yourself when it comes to business. Despite the fact that it is known for its fierceness, the lady has subdued this wild monster with her quieting, adoring vitality. The Devil Upright The Devil Reversed These attitudes could lead to impulsiveness, violence, cruelty, anger, arrogance, or vulgarity. You have confidence and the needed motivation to … If you’ve been working well on controlling impulsive spending, it’s likely that you’ll find yourself in a comfortable position now. Strength Tarot Card Keywords. General Meaning and Interpretation of The Strength Card(Upright):- The Strength card of Major Arcana signifies inner courage, inner strength, valor, and mental toughness.It represents the idea of mastering over own self-motion and Channelizing your mental and emotional energy in the right direction. This symbolism is evident on the psychological level where our will must tame and use the forces of the unconscious to achieve the best in ourselves. She wears an elegant white dress with an apron of yellow flowers and roses. The Hermit Upright The Hermit Reversed. The Strength Tarot card, as the name implies, is one of the strongest cards in the deck. The consultant is determined.

Be careful not to be too forceful in your approach, it could be counterproductive and you could set yourself up for a fall. You’ve got this! There are both pros and cons with this kind of relationship. The Strength Tarot card teaches us about the power of the feminine and the need to control our lower natures. It represents mastering raw emotions in order to bring calm to yourself or a situation. The Strength Keywords. It is the number 8th card of major arcana in the tarot card. King of Wands Tarot Card in a Career Reading (Upright) This is a very good card to get in a career reading. Strength Upright Strength Reversed. A reversed strength card in a reading might also mean that one is experiencing depression because of a number of reasons and because of that, it is draining all of the happiness from their lives.One might end up being withdrawn from society because of the unhappiness or depression since they may feel people are the reason why they are so sad. In a job, this card indicates that you have acquired a high position and experience. Rider-Waite images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT c. 1971 by U.S. Games Systems. One partner may be becoming more and more domineering, instead of empathic and understanding. It also shows that you have the perseverance to keep moving forward even when the way is difficult. Strength Reversed Tarot Card Meaning. The rose is the queen of flowers and represents the Sun. Keywords for the Strength Tarot Card Upright: Physical and psychic strength; Intelligence; Health and vitality; Joy; Leadership; Reversed: Anger; Cruelty; Loss of control; Cowardice; Violence; Imagery and Symbolism of the Strength Tarot Card. Above the woman's head is the infinity sign, which shows us that the symbolism of this card relates to our spiritual nature. Avoid compulsive spending now, as it can do more damage to your financial situation than usual. That being said, there are two alternate numbers associated with the Strength Tarot card, 8 and 11. You'll get an email guiding you in your first steps as a witch, wizard or mage.

When this card refers to a specific person, it is someone with an angry and boastful personality. These cards were switched in the Rider-Waite deck in order to match the order of their corresponding signs in the zodiac. Strength Keywords. It could be a narcissistic despot, a cruel and authoritarian superior, or a dreadful foe. Getting the strength card means that you are a very patient individual who is likely to accomplish anything that they put their mind to. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. The card of The Strength of Tarot is shown upright: Through a strong and well-constructed will, the consultant with the Strength in a tarot card draw can dominate the situation. When this card refers to a specific person, it is someone with an angry and boastful personality. Inner strength; Courage; Bravery; Confidence; Compassion; Taming; Control; Overcoming self-doubt; Vulnerability; Self-doubt; Weakness; Low self-esteem; Lack of confidence; Feeling inadequate; Learn About the Other Tarot Card Archetypes. Strength Tarot Card Meaning. An upside down Strength card can mean that you are (or about to) experience an intense anger or fear in your life. He is able to master and tame the brute strength. You now understand your fantasies and desires. Have your fears been standing in the way of your career aspirations? This shows us that it is essential to stay awake and alert to our impulses. The Strength tarot card is the ninth Major Arcana card of the tarot deck and represents many qualities other than being strong.. Explore the other tarot archetypes here: The Fool; The Magician Strength Description. In this card, pleasure is more than mere vital force, it includes both passion and joy. Labyrinthos Academy is an online tarot school that aims to bring the ancient ritual of tarot for a modern practice. It shows a successful business or success in a business venture. You may just be a minor employee but you also have the right to argue and let others see that you’re correct. Pride and determination. Jealousy. The meaning of the Strength card is usually very positive and means to let you find a … What is captivating is how gracefully she controls the lion. There is no need for worrying about things as it will only lead to failure. © 2016-2021 Labyrinthos LLC. The image of the lady and the lion shows the eternal struggle between our higher and lower natures. Reversed Keywords: Fear – Weakness – Aggression Reversed Meanings for the Strength Tarot Card. You have finally achieved self-knowledge, and you no longer hide your true desires or passions. When we are on the road to transcendence, we must still be aware of our human and earthly aspects. The Strength Tarot Upright Meaning For Work. Strength Tarot Card Meanings (Upright) Strength Tarot Card as a Person. Passion and love. It also shows that you are a compassionate person and you always have time for other people even if it's at your own expense. The person is usually a celebrity, a politician, or some other well-known person. Detailed meaning of the keywords of the Strength Tarot card Show the strength. Your untamable lower nature can lead to egocentric and tyrannical attitudes. General meaning and interpretation (Upright) . Upright Position. At first sight, this card seems to suggest a career in veterinary medicine of a very dangerous variety. If you do not give up the fight, and if you move forward with sincerity and conviction, you will succeed. Numbers are not just tools to count things, they have deep meaning and symbolism. You may have to make sure that one partner’s needs aren’t being trampled over in favor of another’s. One of the axioms of metaphysics is that there were numbers before there were things to be numbered. Death Upright Death Reversed. You may also be ready to make bold moves in terms of your purchases; perhaps putting your finances to work on something you’ve always been dreaming of. This card tells us that we should control our lower natures and not try to destroy them. This doesn’t mean to let these instincts take over, but rather work in harmony with them, or channel them into productive use. You may constantly second-guess yourself, letting your anxiety and self-doubt take control and prevent you from making the choices that can propel your career forward. Strength Tarot Card Meaning. Let go a bit and see what life will deliver. Work towards your goals one step at a time. When applied to a person, this card indicates someone who is courageous, disciplined, fair, young, influential, and willing to help others. Either of these concepts fit with the Strength Tarot card, and both of these numbers are considered correct. The Star Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed…, The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed…, The Death Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed…, The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning Upright and Reversed…, Scorpio Man and Cancer Woman Compatibility: Love, Sex, and Chemis…, Angel Number 84 Meanings – Why Are You Seeing 84?…, The love of your partner is honest and faithful and is accompanied by intense and satisfying sexual activity, The circumstances of the relationship are now entirely under your control, This is a very positive card if you are fighting an illness or recovering from an injury, New professional relationships in the future, Projects related to entertainment or tourism, You need to improve your game to achieve better results, Investments related to tourism and entertainment, Make decisions without unnecessary hesitation, Relationships that lack sincere affection, Weakness, anemia, impotence, or sterility, Problems with your nose, eyes, spine, femur, or knees, Sudden and violent illnesses brought on by stress, Arrogance towards colleagues and subordinates.