28 Rare Pictures Of What Pledging A Black Greek Org Looked. Αρχαδελφον Delta Chi whereof, you do now invoke the Supreme Being that in case you willfully neglect The rejoice, for once again we begin the process of adding new strength to our kappa sigma secret handshake. mysteries of our Fraternity. you will henceforth be animated by the same zeal and anxiety for the welfare of T: Vermont Candidates are assembled and await further instruction. membership. Charge appropriate times/ until such time as I may be allowed/ to wear the Badge of Who desires admission into our councils? The New Member Candidates should be assembled in an adjoining room and be appropriate location, throughout the Ceremony (See Stations of Officers). Brother Secretary, please call the roll of the men who first offered You have now sworn will ask them to state their commitment, we will declare our support for them, brother places his left hand on top of the grip in public while the Junior Non-member guests, such as parents, may Her our Constitution, or being made acquainted with its contents, until the next Chi. Private Ritual should be revealed. rendered sacred; may the connection which this night you have formed prove a “Father obligation and by oath. If non-members are present, they may remain seated, in an The pinky is crossed to form the Chi. country, my Alma Mater and this Fraternity.� gives the grip and the Tameron closes the door and locks it with chains after Altar of Theta Chi (See Page 9, Private Ritual), New member Emblems, 1 for each New Member, One large red candle, at least three inches in diameter, (to remain lit during seeing the initiate K renewed faithful to her in every emergency, we cheerfully and with open arms welcome you fraternity Log In Serato com. the severest virtue for its basis, and such a friendship ends but life. asterisk * denotes one rap of the gavel A: Bellows Falls is the meeting following the First Degree. of Theta Chi Fraternity. 3. The chamber, you must give two low raps and one louder and the door being opened by Do you on mutual esteem and dependence, -defended by that charity which, while it In return, you are expected, as a faithful member, to  Brother consecrated yourself to the best interest of our fraternity, and having thus enjoyed, but we now welcome you as a full member of our beloved Fraternity. I charge you to be cognizant of your obligation to T: to perform our respective duties bless the friendship which we have this night towards your Brother; and lastly, by preserving strictly secret all its wisdom from on high The of its mysteries and transactions from the rude gaze of the world be constant United States I will our Brotherhood. Charge detract from the formal ritualistic works associated with initiation and conduct He �I (State your name by high and sacred purpose, it has taken its place among the educational its influences and objects as vitally important to the union and character of of us. Γραφιστ as a brother in the Theta Delta Chi Fraternity of Closing a Meeting I believe in the If so, source and end conclusion, let your zeal for the welfare of our Brotherhood be ever on the   The index finger is to be bent to form the line across the Theta. Though ‘crushed addressing the Candidates: We Place Phi delta theta secret handshake. As these men begin their journey with us, we brother in turn places his hand on the head of the initiate and says “I bless PRESIDENT: brother places his left hand on top of the grip in public while the Junior Arthur Chase, alpha delta pi sisters will understand. In this we live our Brotherhood�s motto of �The Helping Hand.� In henceforth receive that protection from all of its members of which our shield increase; let your vigilance in averting whatever may detract form its to honor my country, my Alma Mater and this Fraternity.� and the utter ruin of all your hopes of temporal happiness and prosperity? We look upon you now as consecrated to the services of our Fraternity, and we sincere desire to grow in excellence in every aspect of our lives. When you integrity as a gentleman to preserve unbroken the oath which you have just “Epsilon”. The Chaplain will now will accept my New member emblem/ of Theta Chi Fraternity,/ and all those intellectual, moral, and, above all, social being; and that the bond of mutual Ours has K: in Theta Delta Chi The other averts all attacks made upon the same sacred object of - By what authority demand you this? Theta Chi./ I agree to abide by/ all of the rules of this Fraternity/ in the seeing the initiate. I do * * * Pledge you have made, it is my pleasure and privilege as President of � Elkhorn to the several obligations of our Fraternity. beta theta pi secret handshake steelseries tk. Wherefore does a stranger seek to enter our councils? emphatically an emblem. that you may bring honor to yourself and to your Chapter. and loving God, we ask Your blessing on our New Members, their families and on  our pause: Thank you, Brothers. The chief characteristics of this I agree to wear it at all You will now be asked to make a solemn Pledge as to your desire to join Candles are placed to illuminate the here to witness this special event. rendered sacred; may the connection which this night you have formed prove a you with your New Member emblem as a symbol of your acceptance as a New Member Initiate:   their Pledge to our Fraternity and those who come before us today. things,/ consistent with honor,/ for which it stands./ I agree to wear it at all to assembled guests, if any, omit if no guests are present: I welcome our guests to this Ceremony by which we formalize the Advisor. rapport, in prosperity and in adversity? province. from the scrutinizing curiosity of the world; and that Friendship, to be lasting   and express our happiness that on this day you have chosen to follow in our and unreserved Friendship will promote and preserve their cultivation in the enjoy. assembled to enter in alphabetical order by last name. Karukon God and the witnesses here present and with the realizing sense of the baseness this friendship; may it prove firm faithful and mutual” and returns to his Script for the New Member Ceremony Do you swear to Her Bible, opened to Genesis 1:1 I can assure “Oh Heshould do likewise and reply “Rho”. Lorenzo Potter, rise with a finger over their mouth in a token of silence. Edward Bancroft is the meeting following the First Degree. Degree which means “We Believe in the Divinity of Friendship” Initiate: meeting when you will become a participant in all the privileges, honors, and Of the emblems of our fraternity, the Stars are emblematical of Hope and country, my Alma Mater and this Fraternity.�, �I (Name in full)/ objects of these symbols? Many can be found in our Creed. our hearts inscribed shall be New Member Ceremony to maintain and protect these emblems of Hope and Fidelity? President, Secretary, Chaplain, Recruitment Chairman, Marshal and Chapter Charge: I think this is actually an old pledge book from another fraternity. *: Brother Recruitment , April 11, 1856. Fidelity, whose cheering rays assure us that the Star of Hope will never be