Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Beowulf has all the characteristics of a warrior and is still noted as being "The mildest of men and the gentlest, kindest to his people, and most eager for fame" (Beowulf, 52). “She pours mead for the Hrothgar and his warriors in the hall.” (Kirtzinger, 2012) This role may look submissive, but as she does the work, she travels in the hall to all the retainers. Warrior Code Anglo-Saxon warrior code stressed reciprocal loyalty between a lord or king and his ... to symbolize the bond. “She is named “peace weaver” an indication of her marriage to Hrothgar from an outside community to strengthen the ties of peace between the two societies.” (California State University, 2001) Thus, Wealtheow creates a picture of commitment to the unity of the communities an important principle of the code. “Hrothgar’s presents and celebrations in honor of Beowulf exhibits kindness of a good ruler.” (Garcia, 2006) Many scholars claim these attributes of Hrothgar as a teaching to the leaders to be noble. While Beowulf’s pagan warrior culture seems not to have a concept of the afterlife, it sees fame as a way of ensuring that an individual’s memory will continue on after death—an understandable preoccupation in a world where death seems always to be knocking at the door. In both stories the strongest person will do anything to help the, There are many vast differences and many similarities between the story of Beowulf and The 13th Warrior written by a Christian Monk and the, Essay Preview: The Warrior Code in Beowulf, , written by an anonymous author, revolves around the idea of, or the lack thereof. Heroic Code In Beowulf Essays Honestly, who could deny that Beowulf was one of the greatest heroes of all time? This acknowledgement is represented by the sharing of treasures that are looted on the many explorations of the band of warriors. Beowulf boasts to combating Grendel unprotected, but he fights the mother when armed, goes with the warriors and accepts the Unferth’s inherited sword to fight her. Kenyas politics: A short-term political landscape (Shortsited approach featuring a tribal analysis). 121, lines 3159-3163, 3165-3167). Hrothgar is the old king who observes the code by issuing wisdom to Beowulf as required by the code that the old to guide the young and prepare them for their duties. (Beowulf 793-799). : Bravery: "Each of us must the end-day abide of." The poet shows a vigilant tone when Beowulf turns up and proposes to fight the Grendel. Wiglaf seems to see it this way: “Often when one man follows his own will / many are hurt” (ll.3076-7). Beowulf synonyms, Beowulf pronunciation, Beowulf translation, English dictionary definition of Beowulf. Heroes: Text and Hypertext Second Year Seminar. Finally, “Grendel lands and Beowulf fight it unprotected to prove himself as a stronger man. The opening passages introduce the reader to a world in which every male figure is known as his father’s son. On one hand, it expresses the elegiac passing of an extraordinary superman and, on the other hand, it exposes the relationship between mortality and heroism. verts the status quo of the warrior code as a masculine domain. “However, the encounter also amounts to the brash form of bragging that comes from the unwarranted jealousy and weakness.” (Delahoyde, 2001) Unferth’s encounter points out his failure to assist his lord by not killing Grendel. Migration and mythmaking in Anglo-Saxon England. In this essay, I will be exploring and analyzing several examples of the warrior code and the breakdown of the warrior code, which are presented to us in Beowulf. King Beowulf in his old age still shows traits of his youthful characters of brevity, strength and well-spoken. It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning. He tries to hurt Beowulf’s reputation by saying that Beowulf once took on a swimming competition for pure vanity, and lost. The failing of Unferth emphasizes Beowulf’s qualities and strengthens the heroic principles of the Anglo-Saxons.” (Delahoyde, 2001) His challenge that Beowulf was a failure to Breca thus not praiseworthy to kill Grendel points to the code of boastfulness in the Anglo-Saxon community. Notes on Beowulf. Wiglaf indicates “hope of brevity and strength to his people.” (Kirtzinger, 2012). Which three parts of this excerpt from Beowulf relate to a warrior code? The character of Beowulf represents both sides of this Code very well. Main theme 2. Therefore, Unferth stands as an image of the difficulties that can harass members of the heroic beliefs. The Norton anthology of English literature (9th ed.). State University. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from, Candon, C. (2013, July 7). Beowulf proves himself to be the ultimate warrior, not only on the battle field, but also in his incessant fidelity to the warrior code outside of battle. n. 1. One of the codes in Beowulf is the code of blood for blood. In the passage from Beowulf, the poet’s interest in the duties of a loyal retainer and the duties of a great king are evident in the specific language he uses to describe Beowulf’s encounter with the dragon. His soul/ Left his flesh, flew to glory.” (Heaney, 2000 pg. “Hrothgar is an important image of the heroic code, but his place varies from the young Beowulf’s situation due to his age.” (Howe, 1989) Therefore, Hrothgar may be viewed as a distributor of wisdom to Beowulf always in meditative speeches. ( Log Out /  In the scene of the battle with Grendel, the author writes: Time and time again,/ Beowulf’s warriors worked to defend/ their lord’s life, laying about them/ as best they could with their ancestral blades./ Stalwart in action, they kept striking out/ on every side, seeing to cut/ straight to the soul. 441 - 450 of 500 . “Hrothgar too comments this fact.” (Delahoyde, 2001) The motivation to build his character among his people inspires his brave actions. These traits follow the true Anglo-Saxon heroic code. This character, though not severally mentioned in the poem, his role is important. (2001, August 21). STUDY. The Heroic Code in Beowulf. . In this epic story, Beowulf is a major protagonist. The actions of Grendel are horrific and have an appetite for human flesh for he does not just kill, but enjoys killing. Beowulf is one of the most important and influential pieces of writing in history. In this time period, heroes lived by a set of virtues similar to a code. Dorothy Whitelock emphasises the personal, rather than tribal loyalty that governed the relationship of the thane to his lord, and details the transactions involved in pledging such a loyalty. After Grendel’s defeat, “king Hrothgar prepares Beowulf for his unseen future duties.” (Howe, 1989) This future comes to reality when he becomes the king of Geats. Wiglaf follows in the steps of Beowulf and thus upholds the code by defending his lord. “The Beowulf characters portray the Anglo-Saxons and Germanic principles of boldness, loyalty, fearlessness and stoical in reception of fate.” (Candon, 2013), In the poem, King of Denmark, King Hrothgar, delight in a flourishing and fruitful reign. (2001, August 21). Like Beowulf, Ibn Fadlan shows many honorable characteristics in The 13th Warrior. Similar to her son, she violates the code principles by harboring ceaseless hostility to the community. dawn-scorcher, flame-snake, the worm epithets for the dragon. His speeches are full of maxims, declarations of traditional knowledge and gnomes that tend to warn of the impending dangers of arrogance. It shows that Unferth is not a good enough warrior to protect his own people and so in a failing attempt to protect his reputation, he insults Beowulf. How is the society structured? Beowulf is in most cases viewed as both archetypal Anglo-Saxon and as a cornerstone of the modern literary work. This character is linked to the descendants of Cain in the biblical context. So young men build/ the future, wisely open-handed in peace, / Protected in war; so warriors earn/ their fame, and wealth is shaped with a sword.” (Heaney, 2000 P. 24) Therefore, Beowulf depicted this code. His speeches are full of maxims, declarations of traditional knowledge and gnomes that tend to warn of the impending dangers of arrogance. In Anglo-Saxon culture, the term "comitatus" referred to a code of honor between a lord and his warriors, who were called thanes. Main character 4. On the other hand, “Beowulf is apprehensive with his heroic repute by communicating to his thanes to wait outside the cave, and he proceeds to confront the dragon alone.” Despite the inquiries of inspiration, the poet seems to deliver a danger sense at the end of the poem. It is Unferth’s duty to be a protector of his own land and he takes Beowulf’s arrival as a direct insult to his honor and reputation. The abstract shall present the general background of the Beowulf society. This background explains the guiding principles of the code to which the members of the Beowulf community subscribe. doom here, eternal judgment. fighting alongside Beowulf while the other warriors run away. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.. Heaney, S. (2000). During the gory grappling fight between Beowulf and the terrifying demon, Grendel, Beowulf’s men do not run or hide from the monster even after they witness the monster eat a soldier, limb by limb. Therefore, he is presented as an interaction of individual standing and communal power. (Delahoyde, 2001) “His challenge that Beowulf was a failure to Breca thus not praiseworthy to kill Grendel points to the code of boastfulness in the Anglo-Saxon community.” However, boasting was not a sign of pride, but it portrayed self-confidence that may be tailed with a deed. Warfare Mindset Weaponry Comitatus An example of the passing of swords and weapons is when Unferth gives "Hrunting" to Beowulf, and when Beowulf gives his collar to Wiglaf. After some years, the Geatland king is killed in the battle after his son’s death. To battle-thane noble. These characters always behave in un-Christian ways.” (Howe, 1989) For example, the element of religious tension is depicted. Beowulf thus rises to the throne where he rules with wisdom for close to 50 years.” “However, he is killed by the dragon bite moments after he kills the dragon that attacked the Geats.” (Heaney, 2000). New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. “She pours mead for the Hrothgar and his warriors in the hall.” (Kirtzinger, 2012) This role may look submissive, but as she does the work, she travels in the hall to all the retainers. As discussed above, “Beowulf represents the ideals and qualities of Anglo-Saxon culture; therefore, Grendel conveys the opposite attributes of Beowulf.” (California State University, 2001) This character is a monstrous figure, and his entrance is never precise but spontaneous. Analysis of Beowulf as an Epic Hero The definition of a hero from ancient times to present day has evolved greatly, but they often still possess characteristics synonymous across all cultures and timespans. 110, lines 2817-2820), This character is the king of Denmark and is portrayed as a wise old king accustomed to the appropriate course of action for an elderly leader. So, if we examine what Beowulf and the soldiers do (except for the ones that wimp out against the dragon) we can see this code in practice. They believed in values such as loyalty, nobility, generosity, and honor. This tone used by the poet suggests the cycle of human life in communities and the heroic code. Anglo-Saxon Culture. The admiration is reciprocated when someone above you in the chain appreciates the simple fact that someone respects and admires him or her. On one hand, it expresses the elegiac passing of an extraordinary superman and, on the other hand, it exposes the relationship between mortality and heroism. Add your answer and earn points. Retrieved October 2, 2014, from, California State University. Daeghrefn a Frisian warrior, champion of the Hugas, whose beating heart Beowulf, as a young man, crushed with his bare hands. One of the reasons for this is that some of the themes discussed in the story are still applicable in today's extremely different society. Despite this absurdity, Grendel is also depicted to have a sense of temperament. This code was already becoming a thing of the past (at least in England) when the poem was written. The Importance of the Retainer and King in the Heroic Code Members of the Anglo-Saxon warrior society subscribed to an ethos that celebrated the heroic code. . “However, Grendel’s mother comes to the hall seeking vengeance of his son’s death and kills one of the trusted advisors to the king.” Moreover, to avenge the advisor’s death, the troop goes to the swamp and Beowulf dives in the water to fight Grendel’s mother. / Edgerton had begun a bitter feud, / Killing Hathlaf, a Wulfing warrior: /your father’s countrymen were afraid of war, / If he returned to his home, and they turned him away.” (Heaney, 2000 p. 37) Beowulf responded with enumerating some of his involvements, and the factions cheer him. Beowulf: a new verse translation. Man reigning the Kingdom 3. The warrior code and other values that are shown to be very important to the characters in Beowulf could be seen as in conflict with standard Christian principals. An important ability a warrior must have is strength, and this is portrayed in Beowulf through the three main battles. Based on this, we can highlight these values in the following sections. It is by possessing these qualities that Beowulf is portrayed as the perfect hero. As demanded by the heroic code, a good leader ought to appreciate good deeds. Beowulf is the perfect example of an Anglo-Saxon hero. Heroes: Text and Hypertext Second Year Seminar. “The Anglo-Saxon’s invasion of Great Britain brought many related Germanic languages, which could later change to be old English.” (Delahoyde, 2001) “The poet in Beowulf is constantly at war to characterize Christian thoughts and motives of the characters in the poem. “Denmark people are in persistent attack and are fatigued, but bothered that they are not capable of combating Grendel.” (Greenblatt, 2012) During the clash with Grendel and his mother the tone of uncertainty and vitality is produced, the readers know Beowulf may triumph but how is he going to do it? Ways in which characters uphold or violate the code, Ways in whichcharactersupholdorviolatethecode. Notes on Beowulf. David Day lays this all out in one elegant sentence: “With his pride in his strength, his code of honour, his terrible wrath, his hospitality … Beorn is Beowulf” (Day 149). But as the story of Beowulf unfolds, it becomes clear that while good kings and warriors share some similar traits, such as courage, loyalty, selflessness, and might in battle, the values of a good warrior and a good king do not overlap in other fundamental ways.. “Beowulf kills her, cuts off Grendel’s head, and brings it to Hrothgar as a show of Grendel’s death.” (Heaney, 2000) “Lastly, he returns to Geatland. “In the poem, this character, serves as a foil for Beowulf. Posts: 11,334 Threads: 7,323 Joined: May 2020 Reputation: 0 #1. The warrior's code valued loyalty, strength, and bravery. Further Unferth violates the code by slaying his brother. As Beowulf described his might, a son of Ecglaf named Unferth listened enviously. The poem, Beowulf’s story and the heroic code of honor outline the narrative in the pre-Anglo-Saxon beliefs. They were great warriors who won fierce victories and brought home the spoils of war to their king or dryhten. Create a free website or blog at As demanded by the heroic code, a good leader ought to appreciate good deeds. The dragon-like the above monsters violate the code by destroying the livelihood of the. In this poem, one can see that heavy emphasis is placed on the warrior code which consisted of strength, courage, and loyalty. Their ship is loaded with many treasures from the thankful Spear-Danes and instead of keeping it for himself, Beowulf offers up his shipload of treasure to his leader, Hygelac. This human shape is indicated by hanging his cut arm in the hall. Epithet is an adjective or short phrase used to describe a person, place or thing. “He establishes a hall in which his warriors can gather to get gifts, drink and to listen to narratives from the bards.” (Candon, 2013) However, the noise coming from the hall angers Grendel, a bad demon that resides in the swampy lands near the kingdom of Hrothgar. Understanding the ideas of the heroic code found in this epic poem will help to further understand the societies of the Anglo-Saxon time period that this story was written in. Beowulf thus rises to the throne where he rules with wisdom for close to 50 years.” “However, he is killed by the dragon bite moments after he kills the dragon that attacked the Geats.” (Heaney, 2000), Ways in which characters uphold or violate the Anglo-Saxon heroic code Unfortunately, years later when Beowulf really needs help, his warriors let him down, violating the code of comitatus. The response given by Beowulf indicates that he will live up to his claims. The warrior code is very simple but it is also very unforgiving. It is one of the brightest examples of the Old English epics. He exemplifies the heroic code by . It illustrates the loss of a society’s cultural tenets and customs. After Grendel’s defeat, “king Hrothgar prepares Beowulf for his unseen future duties.” (Howe, 1989) This future comes to reality when he becomes the king of Geats. In this poem, one can see that heavy emphasis is placed on the warrior code which consisted of strength, courage, and loyalty. Analyzing author’s tone As Beowulf is essentially a record of heroic deeds, the concept of identity—of which the two principal components are ancestral heritage and individual reputation—is clearly central to the poem. Introduction of the plot that creates a picture of the major events that occurred to the reader in the poem. Let whoever can win glory before death. The actions of Grendel are horrific and have an appetite for human flesh for he does not just kill, but enjoys killing. What is important to the warriors in Beowulf? Answer and Explanation: Beowulf's warriors abide by a kind of code of honour that guides their behaviour throughout the poem. Therefore, as a margin creature, “Grendel is illustrated as a foreign to the heroic code since he has no sense of sorrow and with an ancestry of evil.” (Kirtzinger, 2012). The Anglo-Saxon epic story was created in the 8th century. Answered by jill d #170087 6 years ago 6/22/2014 2:59 PM The code mentioned in these lines had to do with blood vengeance, a code that demanded a warrior had a choice to kill another person who injured or killed a kinsman or get compensation money for the death (injury). “Beowulf has a strange history that obscures both its ancient and official position in literature.” (Garcia, 2006) During its composition by anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet, several of its narrative had already been published in oral narratives for several years. However, “the tone of panic and suspense reign all through the poem.” (California State University, 2001) Grendel kills Hrothgar’s men setting a somber mood in the following day when people view the aftershock of the attack. Beowulf boasts to combating Grendel unprotected, but he fights the mother when armed, goes with the warriors and accepts the Unferth’s inherited sword to fight her. See an in-depth definition. He is signified as a hero who fights monsters such as Grendel, its mother and the dragon. The warriors are given the mead from the queen, and this act shows solidification of the community bonds. Retrieved October 2, 2014, from, Delahoyde, M. (2001, May 4). Candon, C. (2013, July 7). It is by possessing these qualities that Beowulf is portrayed as the perfect hero. Further, “he laments that none of the riches is significant any longer because of no individuals to use them.” (Greenblatt, 2012) “When he comes to me/ I mean to stand, not run from his shooting/ Flames, stand till fate decides/ which of us wins. First when Beowulf and him men are in the great Hrothgar's Mead-Hall fighting Grendel. Beowulf is characterized as a man of superior strength and skill. Beowulf and his warriors come to fight the dragon, but Beowulf tells his men that he will fight the dragon alone and that they should wait on the barrow. Notes on Beowulf. Unferth provides a challenge to Beowulf. Otherwise known as the Warrior Code, this is the custom and practice in which there is one central leader who is looked up to by his men but instead of taking advantage of this respect that his men have for him, the leader returns the expression of respects and acknowledges the men below him. The portrayal of women warriors in literature and popular culture is a subject of study in history, literary studies, film studies, folklore history, and mythology. Therefore, Beowulf depicted this code. Kirtzinger, G. (2012, November 27). Beowulf Warrior Culture In review, the Anglo Saxons warrior code of bravery, loyalty and fame shows the type of qualities you need to succeed as a warrior The qualities of this code are still used today by military groups such as the Marine Corps. “She’d brooded on her loss, misery had brewed/ In her heart, that female horror, Grendel’s/ Mother, living in the murky cold lake/ Assigned her since Cain had killed his only/ Brother, slain his father’s son/ With an angry sword.” (Heaney, 2000 P. 63), Of the three monsters, the dragon is less complex since it is moderately provoked. As the demon escapes, Beowulf tears its arm off and creeps into the swamp to perish, and the arm torn is dangled in the hall as a sign of victory.” (Heaney, 2000) Overjoyed, the king gifts Beowulf and great feast are held in his honor. Wise sir, do not grieve. Everyone has someone they look up to, respect, and aspire to be like, whether it be your father, a CEO at work, or Batman. Garcia, C. (2006, December 4). In the passage from Beowulf, the poet’s interest in the duties of a loyal retainer and the duties of a great king are evident in the specific language he uses to describe Beowulf’s encounter with the dragon. An example of comitatus in the story "Beowulf" is Beowulf's sworn allegiance to King Hrothgar that he will defend the Hall of Heorot against the monster Grendel. solemn speeches of Beowulf and Hrothgar be put in ballad measures, tripping lightly and airily along? When he attacks the Geats, he burns the farmhouses and their homes prior to going to Beowulf’s hall. Similarly, the community described in Beowulf is directed by the Anglo-Saxon code, however, in their endeavors various characters uphold while others conflict the code in various degrees. (Heaney, 2000) Thus, the demon intimidates the people each night slaying them with no struggle of fighting back. Of all English translations of Beowulf, that of Professor Garnett alone gives any adequate idea of the chief characteristics of this great Teutonic epic. Just like Beowulf, Wiglaf is also brave and loyal making him someone you can trust. Beowulf is unable to defeat Grendel’s mother as he planned—with Hrunting, the named heirloom sword that had won many heroic victories without a defeat prior to this battle.